Supply Chain Visibility Software Traces Food Ingredients & Manufacturing Process

Posted by PRC Agency
Mar 16, 2023
Supply Chain Visibility Software Traces Food Ingredients & Manufacturing Process

The thought came to me while I was making breakfast. Now, I’m not a morning person and my brain doesn’t normally kick into gear until after I’ve had my cup of coffee. But this morning I opened up some eggs I’d got at the local farmers market and there, on the underside of the cardboard lid, was this message:

“These eggs were laid by Betty-Beak Cluckerson of Apocryphal Farm”

Now this really got me thinking, and not just about what a superstar old Betty-Beak must be (seriously some of these jumbo double yokers look like they’d’ve been painful - Bravo Betty-Beak!). It got me thinking about how amazing it was to not only know which farm these eggs had come from, but that I could actually trace my sunny-side-up morning meal back to one single chicken.

As I ate, my mind started to wander further afield. What about the toast? I’d got that at the supermarket, but where was it actually made? Where was the flour milled? What about these seeds and whole-grains? Were they added later? Did they come to the bread-making facility on a separate truck, from a different town? State? Country?!

How much do we actually know about where our food comes from? What goes into it? And who is involved in making it? Well, thankfully, there’s a company who is making it easier for businesses to track and trace exactly what we are feeding our families.

rfxcel have developed Supply Chain Visibility Software that provides end-to-end track and trace oversight from the incorporation of ingredients used in the manufacturing process to the distribution of the final product to the end consumer.

Get more information on traceability in the food supply chain at

The ability to track and trace individual ingredients has always been an important part of the food supply chain. It helps ensure food safety, speeds recalls and investigations, and makes the food supply chain faster and more efficient. But now, quite rightly, there’s more pressure from both regulators and us consumers to know what is in our food and exactly where it has come from. This puts a lot of pressure on businesses to try and visualize a global supply chain in a digestible (pun intended!) format.

“We understand the idea of supply chain visibility is overwhelming,” said a rfxcel spokesperson. “Organizations taking on the task of supply chain visibility often have an idea of what they want to achieve, but don’t know how or where to begin. As tenured leaders in the supply chain industry, we are able to help assess supply chain maturity and implement the right level of visibility for an organization. Our software will help businesses not only meet, but far surpass, the new industry compliance standards.”

Founded in 2003, rfxcel is an industry leader in traceability technology and industry safety. From their headquarters in Nevada, the company has developed software to help businesses meet and excel compliance standards for supply chain track and trace for both pharmaceutical and food industries.

So, thanks to rfxcel's software, I might just find out where those whole grain seeds in my toast are from. Although, whether or not they’ll be able to tell me the name of the chicken who contributed to my store-bought quiche remains to be seen!

Discover more about rfxcel’s supply chain visibility software at

rfxcel - Part of the Antares Vision Group 5385 Reno Corporate Drive, STE 200, Reno, NV NV 89511, United States Website
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