Successful Change Management speakers

Posted by Althaf M Yoonus
Apr 12, 2019

The most successful or the best companies in the world have one common denominator: they develop the ability to change, adapt, innovate and manage in a disruptive environment. Leaders of organizations ensure that organizations change as fast as the factors around them change.

The organizations that are serious about such changes taking place quickly seek the help of change management speakers or consultants. Organizational change speakers are in high demand these days. Let us see who are among the best ones in the industry.

#1: Bill Taylor, Author

Bill Taylor has been lauded as a great among change keynote speakers and has spurred many a  company’s executives to think about leadership and change. An entrepreneur himself, he is the co-founder of Fast Company which has turned out to be the most influential voice in the ‘organizational change’ sphere. Bill firmly believes that change is anybody’s prerogative and change is not only for the glamorous tech companies. He cites inspiring examples of old industries that have reinvented themselves one hundred percent.

#2: Mike Abrashoff, Author& Ex Navy Captain

He is the living example of effecting change in an organization. He took over the ship USS Benfold when it was ranked as the worst performing ship in the navy. In a year’s time, he transformed it into the best with the very same crew members. When everyone else almost gave up, he decided he would work his way to making it the best ship. He worked to change the existing culture and the leadership and eventually succeeded.

He speaks about how he saw the situation at hand through the eyes of the ship’s crew members. He talks about leaders can achieve the best results through collaboration, commitment, accountability, cohesion and engagement. He helped the crew turn the ship 180 degrees around.

#3: Nicole Malachowski, Fighter Pilot

She is the first woman Thunderbird pilot. That in itself is a rare privilege. Her career in the Air Force spans 21 years and she has taken to creating a work culture that is ready to adapt to disruption and change. These pilots usually perform best under high pressure. She is now taking these lessons to organizations ready for change.

#4: Geoff Calvin, Editor& Author

Geoff Colvin is a broadcaster, author and thinker. He is among the most effective keynote speakers on forums discussing trends impacting the economy and businesses. He has many top businessmen as friends and has an insider’s perception on many issues affecting business. He has great insight into how business leaders think, plan and act.

In today’s fast-changing world, organizations that fail to change are predicted to fail.

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