Stay Safe and Secure with 100% Dependable Customer Service Outsourcing

Posted by John Martine
Jul 10, 2020

Customer service outsourcing has become extremely popular amongst enterprises looking to cut cost. Using a third-party vendor is a great way to reduce headache and focus more on one’s core process. However, there is one really big issue with customer support outsourcing services i.e. data security. If you do not have any good reference or past ventures to share, it could be hard to put one’s trust and critical customer data in the hands of an unknown company.

Get the Security Advantage with the Right Customer Service Outsourcing Partner

Security is not a given in the present cyber-sensitive atmosphere. The work operations are plagued by a multitude of vulnerabilities. At every step, you need to tread cautiously in order to avoid disaster. The best way to ensure the safety of customer service outsourcing operations is by selecting a vendor that implements the following:

Implementation of security via the latest IVR methodologies

Interactive Voice Recording (IVR) has improved leaps and bounds in the recent years. With better voice recognition and various other enhancements, it can be deployed for bolstering security in customer support outsourcing services. The management of calls can be done automatically and critical account information can be taken via IVR (without any human involvement). Always ensure that your vendor has a cutting-edge IVR system that has all the modern security features.

Payment Card Industry’s Data Security Standard

In a lot of customer care scenarios, your agents are required to take financial and account information from the customers. So, when you are using a third-party, be very careful that they follow Payment Card Industry’s Data Security Standard, better known as PCI DSS. The enforcement of this standard ensures that every financial info is stored safely. With a PCI DSS compliant vendor, you eliminate all your worries related with an outsourcing venture.

Safe storage of call recordings

Customers reveal critical information on calls they make to a customer care department. To ensure that this information is never compromised, partner with customer service outsourcing companies that take necessary measures for the protection of these audio files. Ensure that there is a good reason for keeping audio recordings. Also, the companies should be erasing the vital account info from the recordings (after a certain time when recording is no longer required) either by wiping out the call records or redacting the relevant information.

Hierarchal access on need to know basis

Information revealed by customers should not be available to every agent on every tier. It should be strictly available on need to know basis. This can be easily done by companies that have cutting-edge CRM with access rights. Only the top-tier and management should be able to see all information, and other info should be kept safe from common access.

Robust encryption for protection of files

Encryption of files should be of the highest standard. If the information is kept in a database, the said database should be encrypted with the latest encryption methods. Also, the encryption should be upgraded and updated as per the latest industry developments.

Verification of callers

According to DPA, there are certain verification questions that callers need to answer before they are provided support. A veteran customer support outsourcing services provider employs the best Quality Analysts who implement DPA with due diligence. They educate agents on the value of verification process and how they should verify each and every customer. When agents are well-trained on DPA, they do not reveal information to the wrong parties and keep customer data safe.

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