Spend Free Time Fruitfully With Different Fundraising Ideas

Posted by Akshaya Patra
Sep 19, 2017

YYou may or may not have a hobby but you sure do get some free time once in a while. Since free time doesn’t come by so easily, it becomes crucial how you make that time worthwhile. One of the ways to make it count is to indulge in exploring different fundraising ideas towards causes such as education, food, nutrition, hygiene, environment or the likes. We give you some fun fundraising ideas that you may want to indulge into during your free time.

Raise funds for NGO

Food truck

If you feel strongly for eradicating hunger, you may arrange an old vehicle and sell home-made food in your vicinity. The truck must carry the message of saving food for the hungry and the proceeds gathered should go as a charity donation towards feeding the hungry. You may choose this non-profit fundraising idea for organisations such as The Akshaya Patra Foundation an NGO in India that feeds wholesome lunch to school children.

Host a marathon

People are usually interested in events that combine charity donation with fitness. Today, it’s easy to organise a marathon through social media channels in a small city or town. Marathon has become one of the best non-profit fundraising ideas that communities have utilised towards charity donation. You can raise funds by keeping a minimal entry fees that would be used towards awarding the winners while the remaining would go to a charity.

Host a cycling expedition

This is another low investment and non-profit fundraising idea that can be executed easily. Create a Facebook group of cycling enthusiasts in your city. When you reach a 100-member mark, ask the members to pick a day for cycling expedition. Spell out the purpose of the expedition as an attempt for charity donation for causes such as education, hunger, environment, etc. Raise funds through entry fee so proceeds could go as donation to a charity. You may also urge the members to contribute directly to the charity by informing them about tax exemption in India in case of charity donations.

Viral challenge

Of course, nothing can be as successful as the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge but it proved that social media challenges can be made viral. Organise a fun activity such as taking three floors by stairs or balancing a vessel on the head. Make a video and post it with the right hashtags such as #ChallengeForCharityDonation or #TakeTheCharityChallenge. One of the conditions of participating is that the person taking the challenge should donate a minimum amount to charity donation through online donation or create an online fundraising campaign towards education. The participants need to attach a screenshot of the receipt or proof of such charity donation or fundraising in the comments section. This non-profit fundraising idea inspires a local community towards the importance of fundraising for non-profit organisations and causes.

Organise a carnival

If you live in a city that’s known for things like food, snacks, sareers, handicrafts or any fun cultural reasons, you can organise a local carnival. Carnivals especially organised for non-profit fundraising are sure to attract a lot of people, especially children. You may ask housewives or children to organise stalls and sell their products. Be transparent about where the proceeds would go to so everyone takes it in good spirit.

The Akshaya Patra Foundation encourages all those people who cannot contribute regularly by money to indulge in online fundraising campaigns. The charity donations with the foundation enjoy tax exemption as per laws in India, thus, people can freely raise funds through encouraging others to donate. Fundraise today.

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