( Second part) APSense strategies that are easy to miss and can give you more!

Posted by Brahim A.
Apr 2, 2019

( Second part) APSense strategies that are easy to miss and can give you more!

About Brahim Aghzaf

SUCCESS NET PROFIT: Web Social Equitable;

Social Media Adviser & Consultant, Professeur & Teacher of french language, author, translator: arabic, french, english & Social Networks facilitator, to catch up on online trends. ebooks writer, Marketing, coaching

The centers of your company are in order. The team is prepared and ready to go. Their personal profiles are at the rendezvous and they are eager to spread your good word.

It's time to unleash your army of lawyers - and remember, the individual is the key!

(Okay, but where?)

Where to spread the word on APSense

1. APSense  Groups

If your business does not take advantage of groups, you could be majorly miss.

Create your own group, dedicated to your area of ​​expertise, and join other established groups. If you decide to create your own, go for it. This involves actively recruiting members and involving your team as leaders and contributors to the group.

Getting involved in APSense  groups can help your business tremendously:

• Social Listening: Take advantage of these community forums to learn. What unanswered questions, frustrations and hot topics arise? (In fact, we have loads of blog post ideas from here!)

• Network: Opinion leaders no longer suspended at 7-Eleven; they have grown up and now spend their free time with their peers in groups. (Although they may still have a take-out Slurpee.) If you're looking for valuable mentors or just a new connection, use groups as a people-finder.

• Be the pro: whether  you are a member of the group or a member, contribute and get involved! It's just adding value. If you can do it regularly, you will stand out (and do business). DO NOT ONLY PUBLISH YOUR ADDS ON THESE GROUPS

2. APSense Pulse

Pulse, the APSense  content publishing platform, can unlock new and engaged audiences that you may not have access to on your blog.

However, you MUST ABSOLUTELY think about your Pulse strategy and balance it with your own blog strategy (your website's). You must be careful not to neglect your own domain as you are busy sending visitors to APSense.

Establish a few key employees as thought leaders who can publish content on Pulse (remember that people are the engine that powers APSense). You can even hire editors to help produce the content.


Create your blog on your website, but use APSense Pulse (and sites like Medium) as a secondary outlet§§§§§§

Depending on your goals and your audience, there are strategies to consider:

        Use your blog for the main cornerstone content and use APSense Pulse to publish the content of pillars or impactful editorials that revive your core content (do not forget the backlinks).

        If you publish the same content from your blog on Pulse, start posting the message on your own domain. Once Google has indexed it (give it about five days), post it on Pulse. Include a disclaimer indicating the original source of the content (with a link). Be careful, however: depending on the strength of your domain, the LinkedIn version may still appear before your website in the search results. An easy-to-use solution is to publish a summary or shorter version of your APSense  message that is linked to the original on your own domain.

Keep this in mind and you're on the right track for a working (and fun) APSense  marketing strategy! Find!

·        How does your company use APSense?

·        Does your APSense  strategy include your rockstars team?

·        Without which APSense  products you can not live - and what tips and tricks have saved your life?

Let us know in the comments below!



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Comments (7)
Brahim A.

APSense Adviser for Social Media!

Secrets to Starting Your Own Successful #Apsense, #Business Social Network Review by Brahim A.: http://www.apsense.com/page/secrets-to-starting-your-own-successful-apsense-bu#.XKPcJzCGduk.twitter

Apr 2, 2019 3 Likes Like it
Arthur A.

Professional Arthur

A great post Brahim. Very informative. Thank you for sharing it with us all.

Apr 2, 2019 3 Likes Like it
Brahim A.

APSense Adviser for Social Media!

best regards! I need more views & discussion about these articles to enlarge points of views

Apr 2, 2019 3 Likes Like it
QueenHajar Akanqi


Great points on networking and using APSene platform. Thanks for sharing Brahim A, and wish you muah success! :)

Apr 2, 2019 5 Likes Like it
Brahim A.

APSense Adviser for Social Media!

Wincer Song Magnate II Deluxe Founder: "I started to marketing online since 10 years ago. After few years I realized that social networking would connect people in the effective way. I designed APSense for all people who were interested in eCommerce, Home Business or Online Marketing.

We upgraded APSense serveral times in last 3 years. Now the version will be a new start for us. We will also design more attactive addon services for growing your business or helping you to create a new job.


Apr 2, 2019 4 Likes Like it
Brahim A.

APSense Adviser for Social Media!

Start Networking and Building Your Online Business
With Like Minded People Around The World

Apr 2, 2019 4 Likes Like it
Eva S.


Thank You Brahim A. I'm glad I'm a member of such a helpful team!

Apr 2, 2019 4 Likes Like it
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