Scale Up Your Career with SkillsFuture Credit-eligible Courses

Posted by Pace Staff
Sep 19, 2018

To help the Singaporeans build their professional capabilities and industry knowledge, the Government of Singapore has introduced SkillsFuture Credit-eligible programmes. These are programmes which are created to nurture potentials of career-minded individuals and boost their market relevance.  

Such skills-centric programmes provide an awesome opportunity for the candidates to deepen their professional knowledge. These programmes are primarily crafted for Singaporeans, who are over 25 years old. The credit amount of S$500, provided to the Singaporeans, by the Government of Singapore, enables the candidates to easily pay their course fees.           

These courses have become even more important these days, considering the massive competition in the market. New jobs are being created every day in this fast-evolving economy. Therefore, the need for skilled workers has also increased. In order to keep up with the stiff competition and growing market demands, various countries have come up with skills-based programmes to equip its workforce with the essential skills. Singapore is one such country which has come up with skills-based programmes to prepare its workforce for challenging careers ahead.

Such courses encourage the learners to build their skills and strengthen their technical expertise. These programmes allow the students to broaden their professional knowledge and dig deep into various industry strategies. Some of the subjects on which students can take up these government-funded programmes are mentioned below:

·        3D Designing: A course on 3D design focuses on the basics of animation, graphic design, digital modeling, motion effects, and more. Students learn different techniques and print designs to create a visually appealing concept. They also learn to create special effects for movies, games and other graphic-based media. In fact, the course-participants get the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the 3-D modeling methods used for creating landscapes and characters which appear lifelike. In a nutshell, students get a deeper knowledge on 3-D designing and animation after completing this course.

·    Cyber Security: Those interested to build a career as a cyber security professional, can pursue courses dealing with this subject. A Cyber Security course basically deals with the processes, techniques, practices and policies, designed to protect computers from unauthorised access. Students, pursuing this course, will learn to detect data hacks and damage, within network systems. They also learn about the ways to identify potential threats to computers so that organisations keep their information safe and secure.   

·      Cloud Computing: A course on Cloud Computing gives a detailed insight into the distributed system concepts and how companies are leveraging cloud computing to streamline business processes. Applicants also learn about the design philosophies and algorithms used for building cloud computing systems. All in all, this is a course which opens up a wide variety of career opportunities for the students. 

·    Blockchain: Candidates who take up a course on Blockchain primarily focuses on the industry-wide blockchain frameworks. This course teaches the students how this revolutionary technology called Blockchain facilitates peer-to-peer transfer of digital assets without the need of any intermediary or mediator. 

These aforementioned courses are the ones which advanced learners can easily pursue to build their knowledge and expertise. These SkillsFuture courses are flexible, all-encompassing and highly market relevant. If you are interested to expand your job scopes, enrol for a skills-centric programme and make your career soar high. 

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