Ryan Berejikian and BOW Investments Lead New Markets

Posted by Steven S.
Feb 28, 2018

90% of all entrepreneurs fail. Over the past decade there has been a clear distinction between an entrepreneur and a successful entrepreneur. Everyone wants to discover a new market or dominate an old one, so they can ride a wave of success to their first private jet. Then reality hits. Entrepreneurship has grown tremendously over the past 20 years and is only accelerating. Ryan Berejikian was one of the first to predict and capitalize on this new market: ironically a market of people trying to predict the next big market.  

Ryan began building his business, BOW Investments, in late August of 2016 and launched it mid-December later that year. BOW Investments stands for Berejikian Online/Website Investments and focuses its funds on building online businesses and sometimes domains, as its name implies. Ryan admits that he is "not the first to pounce on the market of website investing," however seeing how the market was relatively underdeveloped, he was one of the first to try forming a business around it. Overtime he has met web developers, designers, and experts from around the world, some of which he has recruited to join BOW Investments (usually as contractors) on its upward climb. 

Enough background talk, let's get to why we interviewed him. BOW Investments is a new, cheaper form of venture capitalism. Many people want to be the next Warren Buffet, buying out portions of and growing some of the largest companies in the world, however most of us are not billionaires, let alone multi-millionaires. Ryan claims investing in websites can be "as cheap as a few hundred dollars for an ecommerce store." Significantly less than the initial millions needed to buy your way into a company, plus you get full ownership of the site. Ecommerce stores have products of their own that the owner has either created themselves or products drop shipped from other sites. Either way, they operate as a business of their own. 

The reasons for Ryan's and BOW Investment's apparent and relatively fast success results from their ability to integrate a duo-income source so they don't take a loss on any of their investments. Ryan states that he invests in stores with niche products that he believes have an underlying market. Obviously, every entrepreneur tries to do this, but Ryan has a backup plan. BOW Investments will spend time and resources to grow these niche ecommerce stores until Ryan has an idea of which stores have the market he predicted. Those stores (rare) will be kept and grown, while the others are sold off. At this point, the stores that didn't perform as wanted will have a fair amount of traffic, an arsenal of products for a niche market, and some sales. A perfectly established business. It's just what every new entrepreneur wants: an easy way to start their own business. As the market of entrepreneurs grows, so does the demand for BOW Investment's underperforming stores that are miraculously sold for a profit to new entrepreneursBerejikian makes the system seem simple and flawless. 

Ryan also wanted to emphasize that overtime he has developed what he believes is a way to create an online business that self-scales, self-sells, and self-markets for free. He said he needed "a way to save time" as he had acquired too many stores to manage and scale at once. Berejikian didn't want to clarify on what his idea was for obvious business reasons, but he did mention it works in a "loop." Who knows, it could revolutionize the market, or it could be a complete bust. So far, Ryan and BOW Investments has been right, but what's a business without the ups and downs of the business cycle.


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