Required Technical Skills of Magento Developers

May 12, 2020

Every Magento developer must possess certain technical skills along with some personal abilities. Here’s the list of the must-have skills of Magento experts. 

Magento is a robust, powerful, and sophisticated platform for building e-stores. With this platform, creating a sales-driven eCommerce store becomes easy and fast. Magento also helps to boost your brand visibility with its intuitive features and functionalities. 

When you are looking for a Magento developer for creating your e-store, the first quality or skill you need to look for in the professional is the ability to understand the platform dynamics well. Furthermore, for every budding Magento developer, it is essential to invest time in the IDEs, which are used currently by most of the industries. IDEs actually help to cut down the time required for building an e-store. Apart from this, developers need to possess several more technical skills for building a site with Magento. 


Here’s what a Magento developer must know.

To become a skilled and expert Magento web developer, it is important to get to know the platform, its features, and every detail of it with perfection. Some of the points to be checked out are here below. 


Knowledge of programming languages is a must:

Magento is an eCommerce platform, written out of PHP. However, when building a site with this platform, you, being a developer can always expect CSS, JavaScript, and HTML to play a significant role in building these eCommerce sites. Of course, it is important to understand PHP first along with knowledge in: - 

  • Modular development
  • Familiarisation with the MVC structure
  • MySQL to interact and manage the data
  • Knowledge of object-oriented programming
  • Proficiency in XML is essential to correctly configure the modules

Apart from these, command over the CSS preprocessors like Stylus and SaSS, the working mechanism of search engines, and expertise in creating responsive sites are also included in the list of the must-have skills of a Magento developer. 


For creating the front-end of an e-store, you need to know: - 

  • JavaScript
  • JQuery, NodeJS, and PHP
  • Grunt, BoostStrap, and Gulp.


Certification is important:

A professional developer must have the certification in this platform. The professional should clear the test to get certified as a skilled and tested developer. This is what indicates the knowledge and skills of the professional. 


Ability to work with modules, themes, and extensions:

Magento comes with a plethora of themes, extensions, modules, and plugins. You need to know those well and the right ways to use those in your e-store. However, using these as per the requirement of the site is important. Using an extension or plugin that is actually of no use and does not work with any of the store features can ultimately make the site slow. Hence, it is highly important to know which extension, module, or plugin is for which functionality. Using the correct one can make the development process faster, and help you end up with a speedy and high-performance e-store. 


Knowledge of eCommerce integration:

Having a good understanding of eCommerce integration is important for developers. eCommerce integration saves a lot of time by eradicating the data redundancy and automating the workflow. 


Clean development and rigorous testing skills are important:

When a team of developers works on a single eCommerce site, it becomes highly important to maintain a clean development procedure to make everything easy-to-understand. Along with this, thorough testing on completion of every stage is equally important and essential. GitHub can be used for testing the site and for a smooth web development experience. 


All these skills can together make you an expert in Magento. Make sure to know these well apart from a few more personal skills like the ability to multitask, problem-solving abilities, communication skills, and the ability to do teamwork. 


Jonathan Paul is an expert Magento developer associated with a reputed company in Australia, PHPProgrammers. The author has written this article to make sure every budding developer gains knowledge on these and to ensure every business owner looks for these skills and abilities before hiring a professional for building an e-store.

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