Relaxation and Mindfulness Where Peace and Happiness Are?

Posted by Dillon Patterson
Sep 11, 2019

We are searching for permanent peace and happiness in life. We are seekers of eternal joy in life. We have attained outer riches in life - money, sexual pleasures, gadgets still not happy. We get married for happiness and divorce for joy, again, not satisfied. It seems that unhappiness, sorrow, pain, and suffering enter life as unwanted guests. We don't need to reason too much, but common sense helps us to understand that we tried our best to possess, own and grab things in the world outside for permanent happiness in life but failed miserably.

Seeker realizes that true happiness is not in outer space.

We are running after many possessions from the outer space to secure relaxation, peace, and happiness. The running outside makes it clear that eternal happiness is not in the outer space; still, the mind does not make a firm decision. Only inner space is left for search of relaxation, peace, and happiness. Many scholars declare it is spiritual; anything spiritual lies in the internal space of man. The Inner space of man is an objectless state of mind, devoid of anything from outside. The objectless state of mind gives a glimpse of subjective reality. We cannot deny 'I am' deep within the inner space. In a darkroom, we can deny every object present because we don't perceive them but cannot deny our presence there. It is this non-denial of 'I am" leads to an understanding that sense and mental perception cannot help us to know our true nature or real self. Only a seeker can tread the path of subjective reality. A seeker is a person who has purified his mind and dedicated himself to discover the inner space aims at the natural state of relaxation and the mindfulness.

Where relaxation, peace, and happiness are?

A man becomes a seeker when he learns from the masters of Eastern Wisdom that peace and happiness are not present in people, place, possession, event, and time in the world outside. In this process of learning, common sense approach helps the seeker recognize that all experiences of the world outside happen in mind. For example, the experience of reading the article happens in mind, even though the article is present out. According to Eastern Wisdom, there are three types of perception or knowledge, namely sense perception, mental perception, and direct perception. The immediate understanding is where self recognizes the self by the self without any outer agencies of sense organs, the mind, and the intellect. The ordinary people transitioned and became great masters because of the insight about the subjective reality by discarding the world outside.

Relaxation, peace, and happiness within

Our true nature is the real self. The real-self expresses through truth, permanent truth, joy, love, and wisdom. The discovery of self is the goal of relaxation, mindfulness, and meditation. The great Master of Yoga, Krishna says that even a single step towards self-discovery saves one from great fears, suffering and awakens to relaxation, peace, and happiness in life.

The journey to relaxation and mindfulness never ends

When we tread the path of relaxation, mindfulness, inner peace, and happiness, it never ends. Because we continue the journey until peace, joy, and relaxation follow us in personal, professional, social, and family lives. According to Buddha, happiness follows the seeker like a shadow of that man. It is awakening and relaxation. It is the transformation of the mind.

Positive Mind Space is one of the professional mindfulness, meditation and relaxation centre in Central Leamington Spa, Warwickshire. Regular mindfulness, meditation courses and weekly practice classes.
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