Reasons why citrus is good for child health

Posted by Rashmi Adwani
May 2, 2018

Reasons why citrus is good for child health


Citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruits, tangerines and pomelos, are brightly colored and sweet. These fruits bring a burst of sunshine, especially into winter days. Most children love these fruits because of their tangy taste and attractive color’s. Citrus, apart from being flavorful and pretty, is great for the health of your child.



Citrus comes from citrus fruits which generally grow on flowering trees and shrubs. Citrus fruits were actually used to grow in only Australia, New Caledonia, New Guinea, and Southeast Asia, but now they are cultivated in subtropical and tropical climates all over the world, especially in Spain, China, Brazil, US, Mexico and India. And almost a third of all of these fruits are used to make juice. There are many reasons why citrus is good for the health of your child. Let's talk about these benefits one by one.


1.    Citrus fruits are Rich in Vitamins, and other Plant Compounds - These fruits are great to get vitamin C. Vitamin C is a nutrient that makes the immune system strong and keeps the skin smooth. Even if your child eats just one medium-sized orange, he or she will get all the vitamin C he or she requires in a whole day. These fruits also have other vitamins and minerals in good quantity, that your body requires functioning properly, such as Vitamins B, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous and copper. Also, they have other plant compounds with different health benefits, such as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. These plant compounds have many varieties of carotenoids, flavonoids, and essential oils, which are reasons for many of its health benefits. Hence, citrus fruits are very beneficial and contain vitamins, minerals and compounds which help in keeping your child healthy.


2.    Citrus is a Good Source of Fiber - Yes, citrus fruits are a great fibre source. Only one cup with segments of orange has around four grams of fiber. Fiber has many health advantages, such as it boost your child’s digestive health. Oranges are especially rich in soluble fiber. Soluble fibre help in lowering cholesterol levels in the body. Citrus fruits have a greater ratio of soluble to insoluble fiber in comparison to other fruits and vegetables.

3.    Citrus is Low in Calories - If you're watching the calorie intake of your child for any reason, citrus fruits are a good alternative as snakes as they are low in calories, but their high water and fiber contents help fill up the stomach of your child.

4.    Citrus fruits May Reduce the Risk of Kidney Stones - Painful mineral crystals in the kidney are called as kidney stones. They are formed if you have very concentrated urine regularly or your urine contains higher amounts of stone-forming minerals. There is also a type of kidney stone which is formed due to lower levels of citrate in urine and citrus fruits increase the level of citrate in your urine that decreases the risk of kidney stones in children. Having these citrus fruits on a regular basis can offer a natural substitute to potassium citrate supplements.

5.    Citrus fruits May Protect Against Cancer - Many studies have shown that citrus lowers the risk of many types of cancers. As the citrus fruits contain flavonoids, which may help to shield against cancer. As these flavonoids are antioxidants, they may block some genes which are the reason for some diseases, like cancer. Citrus can also block the building of new cancer cells and make the carcinogens inactive and hence eventually suppress cancer and help in fighting against it.

6.    Citrus fruits Boost Heart Health - Citrus fruits are also good for your heart as certain compounds in citrus fruits can improve cholesterol levels and decrease blood pressure which will eventually benefit the health of your child’s heart.

7.    Citrus fruits may Protect Your Brain - Some neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, which occur due to the breakdown of cells in the nervous system, can be warded off with the help of flavonoids present in citrus fruits. As these diseases happen because of inflammation and Flavonoids have anti-inflammatory characters. Citrus fruits may help enhance the brain function and shield the brain against certain neurodegenerative disorders.

8.    Citrus can be a cure for Anemia in kids - Citrus fruits have high amount of Vitamin C which help in absorbing iron, and it increases the of hemoglobin, and eventually prevents from anaemia which causes fatigue and dizziness in children. Make your child drink a glass of fresh orange or lemon juice on a regular basis to prevent him or her from anaemia and help him or she have a good hemoglobin count.

9.    Citrus fruits are a remedy for Dyspepsia - Dyspepsia is discomfort caused in the stomach of a child, and it is one of the popular health problems in kids. Since children have a vulnerable and weak digestive system, they suffer from it a lot. Children should drink orange juice and eat fresh oranges as it will promote good digestion of food in the body and make the absorption of nutrients easy.

10.    Citrus fruits also treat Constipation - Nowadays, kids eat so much of fast foods which contain inadequate dietary fiber which causes constipation troubles to your children. The eating of oranges and other citrus fruits will prevent or many times treat constipation problems since it contains high quantity of dietary fiber. You can give your child a fruit salad with slices of oranges or orange juice or lemon juice to terminate constipation problem.

11.    Citrus fruits as a cure For Rickets - Kids are exposed to rickets since they have weak and soft bones. Citrus fruits are a great supply point of essential minerals, including calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, manganese, and copper, all of which will limit the risk of growth of rickets in children. Also, eating citrus fruits daily is an excellent cure for eliminating the symptoms of rickets and other diseases in kids.

12.    Citrus fruits also decrease the problem of Cold and Cough: Kids usually suffer from troubles and weakness because of cold and cough. Citrus fruits are one of the best cure for reducing this irritation. Also, Citrus fruits have medicinal properties which guard your baby from other detrimental infections that come along with a cold and cough. So, whenever your kid is feeling low because of cold and cough, fill a cup with freshly drawn orange juice, add some honey and a pinch of salt to it, and give it to your kid to drink.

13.    Citrus fruits also reduces Mumps: Mumps is a infectious viral ailment, and it spreads very fast in the kids, especially among the group of 5 to 15-year-old kids. Serving your kids fresh orange or lemon juice can help them discard the uneasiness caused due to mumps in no time. Also, Don’t give the juices without diluting them up to 50% and give it to your affected child with Luke warm water.

14.    Citrus also Speeds Up the Recovery From Typhoid in your child: Typhoid caused by the development of Salmonella typhi bacteria, which is a highly infectious bacteria. Your child suffers from a headache, cough, chronic abdominal pain when they are infected with thyroid. The disease also hinders the digestive power of your child, and they can only eat easily digestible foods and mostly liquids. Drinking fresh orange juice is said to speed up a child’s recovery from typhoid as it give them all the required and lost nutrients.

15.    Citrus fruits also boosts Vision: Citrus fruits have high amount of flavonoids, vitamin A, phytonutrients, like alpha and beta carotenes, beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein and nutrients that help keeping up the skin and mucous membrane of your child’s eye in a good condition. Make your child consume citric acid to boost his or her vision and eye health effectively.

16.    Citrus gives alleviation From Whooping Cough: a Whooping cough is a very infectious and health problem which can affect the health of your kid adversely and make him every week. Orange juice and other citrus fruit juices are a very good cure for alleviating the pain caused due to a coughing continuously. Serve your child with fresh, diluted juice of citrus fruits and place some wet bags on his or her chest and throat, it will help your kid to have fast relief from the symptoms of this disease.

17.    Citrus fruits help in curing Gum Bleeding And Tooth Loss: Vitamin C is a vital nutrient which help in the production of collagen in the body of a human. Collagen is an essential element of tendons, bones, ligaments and blood vessels,. Vitamin C deficiency can cause your child to suffer from diseases such as scurvy, including gum bleeding, acute pain in the joints, tooth loss, and easy bruising. Serving your kids fresh orange or lemon juice can help them discard these symptoms as they are an effective and natural solution.

18.    Citrus also cure Diarrhea: Severe diarrhea is very dangerous for your child’s health. Serving your kids fresh orange or lemon juice can help alleviate the symptom substantially. Also, Don’t give the juices without diluting them up to 50%.



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