Proven Techniques To Build A Mobile-Responsive Website Deploying PHP

Sep 25, 2018

This article explains some of the effective ways to create mobile-responsive websites using PHP programming.

While websites are nowadays a must-have aspect for most businesses to maintain an online presence, the advent of mobiles made it an imperative for the websites to be mobile-friendly. There has been a lot of advancements in the sphere of mobile and digital technology and the demand for responsive web development too surged for offering the best of experience to their visitors. Most businesses are well aware of the benefits provided by PHP for which a million of websites are built using the platform in various domains, from shopping to social networking or informative websites.

Owing to success in long years, PHP programming became the invaluable platform for developing websites and web applications. However, businesses need to consider responsive and mobile-friendly websites to make sure their customers have access to their services while they are on-the-go. Here are some prominent techniques that one need to follow if he wishes to build a responsive web solution in PHP.

Easy source code

It is crucial to have the simple source code for developing responsive websites in PHP as it results in the dynamic output. Simple code is always preferred because one can even add amazing animations, floating widgets and other graphics on the site.

Seamless and direct navigation

To make sure your PHP website works well on all the mobile devices, emphasise on its navigational aspect and page layouts so that everyone gets a better surfing experience, irrespective of where they are viewing the site. Clear and ordered navigation ensures every visitor is hooked to site to explore more of its pages.

Adjustments to different screen sizes

Mobile devices vary a lot from each other in terms of the screen sizes, their orientations and resolutions. Even many devices have the capability to switch from screen modes, like from landscapes to portrait. Thus, if you are creating a website that can be widely accessed by all, make sure it is adaptive to all the screen sizes, or resolutions.

Responsive and flexible images

For mobile responsive web applications, make sure the images used are adjustable too for various screen sizes and retain their original quality. The best of methods in PHP programming that ensure image flexibility is setting the width of image up to 100% of the screen sizes or browsers. Thus, flexible images will only allow the browsers to resize them rather than denoting heights and width for each browser in code.

Content needs to be adjustable

Another vital aspect of web development is the ability of websites to shrink down the content and fit them perfectly in every screen size, browser or layout. While it is not always easy on PHP to make a content similarly viewable on all big and small screens, content management flexibility is needed for that. One can deploy CMSes with effective content editors.

These are the crucial aspects of creating incredible and responsive websites. Developers and web owners have to test the website meticulously on different screen resolutions to assure its responsiveness. However, there is no doubt that PHP with different open-source technologies can perfectly create mobile friendly and responsive websites that are optimised for all kinds of devices and screen sizes.

Jonathan Paul is a PHP developer in Sydney who works for PHPProgrammers, one of the distinguished web development and PHP programming companies providing businesses in varied industry domains with best-in-class web solutions.

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