Professional PowerPoint Slide Designers: Tips For Making Good Presentations

Posted by PRC Agency
Jun 5, 2024

If you’re like most people, you may find the act of giving presentations daunting, no matter how good at public speaking you are. Now, imagine if you happen to catch sight of your audience completely zoning out during your presentation! That’d be a huge blow to your confidence, right? But it may not be a problem with you; it could just be the way you designed your PowerPoint slides. If you want to keep your audience engaged and interested in the content you put together, check out what the experts at eSlide have to say on the topic of presentation design!

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The Difference Between Good Presentations and Bad Presentations

PowerPoint slides that are cluttered with information can create confusion for the audience, prompting them to devote more time to attempting to understand the content as opposed to listening to the speaker. In eSlide’s guide, managing partner and creative director Alan Goeman notes that poorly made slides may even cause viewers to stop paying attention to the presentation altogether. This is something that no presenter wants! 

To avoid this outcome and create presentations that are professional and visually impactful, Goeman recommends that you follow a framework known as the “SEE Design Principles.” This framework focuses on three main principles of presentation design: structure, economy, and emphasis.

Good Presentation Structure

According to eSlide, “structure” refers to the logical organization of information. Slides with good structure will have information arranged in a clear manner, conforming to the viewer’s natural eye flow. 

To enhance this effect, you can create a visual hierarchy with the content, which will better guide the audience’s eyes through the information. Sometimes, it’s fine to just go with the flow, especially if you want to make things easier for your viewers!

Economic Content Planning

The “economy” aspect of the SEE Design Principles pertains to the amount of content in every slide. To make your presentation easier to understand, you should keep your slides concise and only include enough information to communicate the key points. 

Bullet points are great for this. Just don’t make them too long, or you’ll overload the audience with text. Then we’re back to square one.

Emphasize the Main Point

The last and final design principle, “emphasis,” refers to the amount of emphasis you should devote to the main takeaway of every slide. Even if the presentation covers multiple areas within a topic, each slide should focus on a single message that you want to highlight. The appropriate visual elements and formatting will allow this message to stand out, making it more memorable for your audience. 

Get Professional Assistance

Still not sure how to create a good presentation? Or maybe you’re not at all confident in your talent for graphic design. Heck, maybe you just don’t have the time to make your own presentation. No matter what the reason, you don’t have to worry! eSlide can do it all. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, the company is capable of creating templates, infographics, full presentations, and more, depending on your needs.

Making presentation design easy is what eSlide is all about. Whether you need a helpful guide or just someone to do the work for you, they can offer it!

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eSlide City: New York Address: 244 Madison Ave, #337 Website: Phone: +1 866 237 5433
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