Principles and Application of Sterile Techniques

Posted by Emily Parker
Apr 19, 2016
Sterile techniques are employed with the objective of limiting the growth of microorganisms to a minimum level with the objective of reducing the scope of infectious progression during the course of operative intervention. Operative procedures predispose the patients towards microbial invasion from the medical instruments and therefore, sterilization of these equipments highly necessary for challenging the transmission of life threatening infection across the community environment. The practice of sterile techniques proves be an effective barrier in preventing the entry of debilitating bacterial and viral pathogen to the patient’s circulatory system. Therefore, safeguarding the health of patients with the application of sterile techniques reciprocally reduces the scope of infection transfer to the healthy individuals and other members of healthcare teams experiencing contact with the treated patient as suggested by an essay writer.
The historical context of sterile techniques attributes to the fact that these techniques employed by the ancient physicians with the objective of removing the virulent organisms responsible for the development of infection among the patients. The ancient scientists and medical professionals utilized heat as an effective means of deactivating the life threatening microorganisms across the community environment. In addition to heat, carbolic acid utilized (by medical professionals) as a chemical means of disinfecting the medical equipment across the surgical settings.  The sprays prepared from carbolic acid also utilized as an effective method of challenging the microbial invasion inside the operating theatres. Sterile techniques deployed for reducing the scope of infection progression under the below-mentioned circumstances:
1. Surgical interventions with the requirement of utilizing medical equipments for exploring the anatomical structures of the patient. 
2. Preparing healthcare teams for extending assistance to the patient during the course of operative interventions, and during the tenure of post-operative care. 
3. Configuration of sterile environment and preparation of patient’s skin prior to the draping intervention. 
4. Maintenance of septic techniques throughout the tenure of surgical interventions. 
5. Execution of disinfection protocols at the termination of surgical interventions. 
The conventions of sterile techniques inside the surgical setting are based on the below mentioned principles: 
1. Entire medical equipments used for surgically treating the patient need to be sterile with the application of heat or chemicals in accordance with the standard disinfecting strategies. 
2. Medical professionals require configuring sterile field inside the operating room and no member should enter this field without wearing sterile gloves and gowns. 
3. Unnecessary conversation between the surgical team warrants restriction for avoiding accidental exposure to the debilitating pathogens. 
4. The physical activity and movement of the members of healthcare teams require restriction in the context of reducing the movement of air particles that might prove to be the source of bacterial contamination. 
5. Medical professionals shielded with sterile personal protective equipment not allowed handling non-sterile equipment across the surgical setting. 
6. The members of the healthcare team require understanding the fact that non-sterile medical equipment or the equipment of questionable sterility regarded as the preliminary source of infection across the operational setting. 
7. Gowns used by the members of healthcare teams require sterilization from the axillary line until waist for reducing the risk of bacterial transmission to the treated patient. 
8. Moisture considered as a medium of contamination and the sterile surfaces might acquire infection from the external environment through droplet contamination. 
9. Consistency of infection barriers leads to the contamination of medical equipment that becomes the secondary source of transfer of infectious microbes to the healthy individuals. 
10. Sterile subjects need to establish minimum contact with the sterile medical equipment during the course of surgical interventions. 
The significant application of sterile techniques attributes to the restraining of the transfer of infectious pathogens from the contaminated environment to the circulatory system of individuals engaged in extending the operative interventions. Contrarily, the transfer of infection from the members of the healthcare team to the treated patient effectively challenged with the deployment of sterile interventions. Operative wound regarded as the preliminary gateway to bacterial contamination and therefore, disinfection of the skin surface and configuration of the sterile field prior to the extension of surgical incision reduces the scope of microbial transfer to the treated patient. Decontamination of surgical equipments requires execution with the core objective of reducing the transfer of infectious organisms from the patientto the community environment. 
The web-link provides detailed information regarding the principles, significance and applications of aseptic interventions across the healthcare settings. 
The deployment of sterile interventions protects the patients as well as healthcare workers in developing the debilitating infectious manifestations following the operative interventions. as suggested by assignment writing service experts.  Nurse professionals require attaining thorough insight regarding the applications and significance of sterile approaches for challenging the progression of nosocomial infection among the patient population as well as the healthcare teams. The consistent maintenance of integrity of surgical location/sterile field and its regular monitoring highly warranted in the context of diminishing the scope of an infectious outbreak across the community environment. The organization of training sessions for healthcare teams highly necessary for emphasizing the requirement of aseptic interventions in controlling the progression of contagious conditions from the healthcare facilities. 

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