Pets Allowed In Addiction Treatment Programs At This Los Angeles Rehab Center!

Nov 5, 2021

Ready to make a move? You can do so with your furry friend!

The updated, pet-friendly treatment programs at Circle of Hope are informed by evidence pointing to the benefits of animal-assisted therapy, both psychological and physical. The center acknowledges the difficulty you are likely to face when finding yourself in a new environment in a vulnerable state. It encourages pets for the feelings of comfort and ease they bring you when you’re trying to adjust.

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As a result of the 'Positive Pets Program,' you can bring your pet to rehab and, in doing so, benefit from reduced blood pressure, a lower heart rate, and increased beta-endorphin levels. There are also reports of animal-assisted therapy elevating or stabilizing moods, reducing anxiety, decreasing stress and tension, and raising self-esteem.

Though you may know that you are ready for and would likely gain significant value from rehab, you might be using excuses to put it off or avoid it entirely. These could be based on commitments to your work, family, children, or pet.

Circle of Hope Treatment’s pet-friendly environment gives you one less reason to prevent yourself from going there and reshaping your life. With pets permitted on the premises, a weight will be lifted from your mind, as you won’t have to worry about making alternative accommodations. 

Another aspect of a pet-friendly rehab policy is the social benefit that it entails for you. The anxiety that you may feel when meeting new people in a foreign environment can be eased with ready-made conversation starters provided by pets. More information about your transition to rehab can be found at:

Circle of Hope Treatment is a luxury rehab center that strives to build a foundation for your long-term recovery through an evidence-based approach centered around your individuality. It is a State Licensed Facility and offers a 3:1 client to counselor ratio, with support staff modeling appropriate recovery behavior. 

A spokesperson for the center said: “Our environment is intended to be one of healing and openness, to inspire our clients to change their lives for the better.”

Any and all of your questions can be directed to the center’s toll-free line and will be treated with total confidentiality.

Think it might be your time to make a change? Visit to learn more about your next steps.

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