New Movers and Community Guide the Best for Local Connection to Finding the Best Go-To Shops

Dec 7, 2020

How many times have we travelled round and round searching for the perfect restaurant or the perfect shop knowing that it is there if only we could find it!

And how many times have we travelled to an area, not far from home, looking forward to some fresh seafood or some real Mexican food only to find the same restaurants and shops back home?

When I had family visiting from Alaska, I was certain I would show off our lovely home in South Carolina. Then I had us drive in circles and we finally just stopped at a place that looked good.

Needless to say, I was delighted to come across this one, the New Movers and Community Guide!

It promises to be the hub to connect both new residents and long time community members with local businesses.

Why Buy Local

The latest Small Business Pulse Survey Data Release, of November 2020, emphasized for us the impact many of our local shops have taken with the Coronavirus pandemic. It brought out the National Average of affected small businesses to be at 29.7% with hot spot locations at higher percentages. The average response to the survey question asking about the “Overall Effect” on the business was “Large negative effect”.

When we consider it, how many of our favorite must-stop shops are actually local. Locally chocolate shops, bakeries, fresh fruit or pet shops. They often get to know us by name, we stop in there so often. They ask after our family and do little special things for us that just make them very precious locations to stop at should we need a pick-me-up after a rough day. Or want to share some good news. They become part of the fabric of our community.

There is a need to also consider how much small businesses add to the economic strength of our community.

“Small businesses are the lifeblood of the U.S. economy: they create two-thirds of net new jobs and drive U.S. innovation and competitiveness.” ~ U.S. Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy, January 30, 2019

Wow! Who knew!! When we think of it, how many of these locations have hired people we know. Given valuable business lessons to them that served them well in their career.

What It Means to Shop "Local"

Personally, I have heard news stories and other reports about shopping or buying local, and wondered about it. Perhaps you have this question also. What really defines “local” . The answer does tend to vary from person to person and can depend on whether one considers “local” to be within their city block, within their city, or within their county.

Others may look for locally-owned stores, avoiding national chains. In other cases, it matters most to individuals looking for Greenville SC merchandise that it was manufactured in Upstate SC.

Where To Buy Local

Sometimes I find myself hesitating, ok, I will just come out and say it. Yes, I will sometimes avoid shopping locally because it often comes with a higher price.

Now that is said, we do need to consider something else when discussing local shopping and this thought crosses our mind.

What things do we typically pay more for, and find ourselves not unhappy about it? Or, less grudging in doing so? Often it is when we know it is something that comes with significant benefit over the lesser priced item. Perhaps the flavor is better or the quality is better.

When we are shopping from locally grown food, produce, and manufactured goods, they do often come with a higher price tag. However, they also come with substantial benefits in being safer and of better quality.

Now this is where the New Movers and Community Guide proves to be a real business to community connection asset:

* Only reputable businesses are listed

* Business Information

* Photos

* Hours

* Menus

* Testimonials

* Can contact businesses from the listing.

* Find special deals from participating merchants.

* Share special deals with family and friends.

* Discover upcoming local events.

* Available on free Mobile App.

Please keep in mind, supporting advertisers makes it possible for this resource to be made free to the public. So be sure and share some "love" with them, shop local, and be sure and let them know they were found in the New Movers and Community Guide!

For your access to this resource, visit the New Movers and Community Guide website at:

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