Navratri, Navratri 2019, Nav durga puja

Knowledge about
The word Navratri
is derived by combining two words where Nav means nine and ratri means night.
Thus the nine days are considered auspicious and celebrated with lots of vigour
and happiness by the Hindu people. Also referred to as the Maha Navratri, this auspicious
festival falls in the lunar month of Ashwin during Sharad Ritu. Despite the
fact that, the celebration commonly falls multiple times in a year, the Sharada
Navaratri during harvest time (September-October) is the most celebrated, and
the Vasanta Navaratri during spring (March-April) is the following most huge
Navratri. This year the Navratri falls on the 29th of September,
2019 which is a Sunday and ends on the 7th of October 2019.
or Legend of Navratri:
Navratri is
observed to celebrate the victory and to honour Maa Durga for destroying the
demon king Mahishasura. Starting from the 29th of September till the
7th of October, each day is dedicated to one of the divine forms or types of Maa Durga. The festivities are celebrated in grandeur
also to signify the triumph of harmony and dharma over inner self and
underhandedness. Here is a popular story about the Navratri
Once, Lord Brahma
of the trinity Brahma, Vishnu & Maheshwara, granted a boon to demon Mahishasura,
that no man in the three worlds could kill or destroy him. Empowered by this divine
boon, Mahishasura, the demon set out to conquer and rule over all the three worlds.
He was successful in defeating the Gods and also Lord Indra. After the defeat,
Lord Indra ran to Lords Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and pleaded that demon
Mahishashura should be destroyed. The trinity on learning the destruction
caused by the demon Mahishashura decided to create a powerful being who would
destroy the demon. The trinity combined all their powers and Devi
Durga (Shakti) was born. Goddess fought the
demon for nine days, the grave battle finally ended on the tenth day when the
goddess beheaded the demon. The tenth day is known as vijayadashami which literally
means the victorious tenth day of good over evil.
of the Nine Days of Navratri:
Day 1 of the
Navratri praises goddess Shailputri. This symbol of goddess Durga is the
exemplification of the aggregate intensity of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. The
goddess in this symbol is loved as the partner of Shiva.
Day 2 of the
celebration commends goddess Brahmcharini, the second symbol of Maa Durga. She
is joyful and blesses the devotee with bliss, harmony, abundance and elegance.
Loaded up with ecstasy and joy, she is the best approach to liberation or
Day 3 of the
nine-day celebration of Navratri commends goddess Chandraghanta. She represents
magnificence and beauty and is worshipped on the third day to bless the
worshipper with harmony, serenity and success throughout life. She is the image
of courage.
Day 4 of the
celebration is dedicated to goddess Kushmunda. As per the ancient Holy texts, She
is the One who created the universe. As per the mentions, it is believed that the
goddess created this universe through giggling.
Day 5 of Navratri is
celebrated to honour goddess Skand Mata. She is the mother of Skanda, or
Karthikeya, who was picked by the divine beings as their president in the war
against the evil presences. The vulnerability of a mother is represented by Skand
Mata who can battle anybody when the need emerges to ensure her kid is safe.
Day 6 of the
Navratri is celebrated to honour goddess Katyayani. The goddess was destined to
the incredible sage, Kata, as a symbol of Durga. Wearing orange, she shows
colossal fortitude.
Day 7 of the
celebration praises goddess Kalratri. This form of goddess Durga is dark
complexioned, has rumpled hair and a bold stance. She is the most powerful and
fierce form of goddess Durga.
Day 8 of the
celebration praises goddess Maha Gauri. She is the eighth form of Maa Durga who
is a symbol of knowledge, harmony, abundance and peace.
Day 9 of the
celebration of Navratri honours goddess Siddhidatri. The goddess is known for
having otherworldly mending forces. The goddess is speaks to happy perspective,
much the same as the sky on a crisp morning.
People celebrate
this festival by wearing specific colour associated with each of the Navratri
day. People observe fasts and offer
prayer and worship to the goddesses each day. Observing Fast is said to appease
the goddess and She in all Her nine forms blesses the devotee by offering a
wide range of benefits
(spiritual and material)
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