Mr. Khaled Al Badie – A Strong and Knowledgeable Part of the Popular Al Badie Group

Posted by Alex Smith
Oct 17, 2017

Abu Dhabi (October 03, 2017) – Al Badie Family, the founders of the Al Badie Group is one of the earliest market entrants to this region. Yes, the company entered into Abu Dhabi even before the establishment of the UAE. So, this family is one among the few contributors to the country’s development through personal investments.

One of the members of Al Badie Family and the present Vice President of the ABG is Mr. Khaled Al Badie. In addition to being the VP, he is also the CEO of the Al Badie Group. Following the footsteps of his father, he prepared himself right from his school-life to take forward such a huge group of companies.

So, after his schooling, Mr. Khaled Al Badie took degrees and qualifications that help him in the effective management of this concern. For instance, he did his Financial Management Masters from the George Washington University. He did his dual UG in arts in economics and business management. Even, he did a special course in political science. All these qualifications and also the experience he gained from the Al Badie Group, has helped him reach the VP position in the Al Badie Group.

He started his career at the National Bank Of Abu Dhabi (NBAD) then moved to Al Badie Group, he is one of the greatest contributors to the development of this group and for the venturing of this group into different niches.

About Khaled Al Badie:
The professional life of Mr. Khaled is a true inspiration for the future generation. With his dedication and hard work, he has taken his group to new heights and newer associations.

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