Most common types of psychiatric disorders and signs that you have them

Posted by Vivek Choudhary
Aug 27, 2019

There is a growing number of individuals who are experiencing or being diagnosed with a mental illness. Mental illness is a disease that can cause mild to severe disturbances in your behaviour that could make you unable to cope with day to day tasks. There are many physical as well as emotional symptoms of being a victim of any of these disorders. After observing such signs, it is advised that one seeks consultancy the best psychiatrist in Chandigarh for the treatment. There is a huge number of such disorders that a person might face, a few of the most common typesare listed below.


1. Anxiety

Anxiety disorders emerge from many factors such as genes, stress, brain chemistry, and life events. To treat it, it becomes essential to avail psychotherapy and control and manage the symptoms of anxiety. The person with General Anxiety Disorder would usually find it difficult to control the anxiety, resulting in restlessness, fatigue, and difficulty in concentrating.


Signs of having anxiety:

· Irritability and panic

· Muscle tension

· Disturbed sleep

· Difficulty controlling worry or fear


2. Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is experienced when you are faced with constant mood swings ranging from depressive lows to manic highs. Manic episodes can be resulted because of elevated or irritable mood, hyperactivity, or even lack of sleep. Depressive episodes can be observed by extreme sadness low level of energy. Various genetic, neurochemical, and environmental factors can be contributory, though it can be treated through medication and psychosocial support.


Signs of bipolar disorder:

· Decreased need for sleep

· Racing thoughts or frequent distraction

· Feeling restless or impulsive


3. Depression

This is the most common mental disorder and is characterized by loss of interest, intensified sadness, low self-worth and self-esteem, eating pattern changes, exhaustion, and lack of concentration. Several factors become the cause of depression like life events, medical problems and medications, which can take a toll on your personal as well as professional life. It can also lead to suicidal thoughts and actions. Cognitive behaviour therapy, psychotherapy,and antidepressant medication are the methods that should be adopted for treating depression.


Signs of depression:

· Decreased energy or chronic fatigue

· Difficulty concentrating or indecisiveness

· Pain, aches or frequent cramps without a reason

· Changes in appetite or weight

· Difficulty sleeping, waking early, or oversleeping

· Loss of interest or avoidance of activities or hobbies

· Persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, or emptiness

· Pessimism

· Anger or restlessness

· Suicide thoughts or attempts such as self-harm


4. Oppressive Compulsive Disorder


Obsessions are the unwanted involuntary intrusive thoughts or urges that repeatedly enter the person's mind, whereas compulsions are repetitive behaviours or mental acts that the person feels driven to perform.

Symptoms of OCD:

1.      Germaphobia

2.      Excessive focus on insignificant details

3.      Fear of losing

4.      Being overly organised or clean

5.      Superstitions

6.      Repeated or excessive checking due to worry

7.      Being fidgety

Due to the increased prevalence of these disorders, it becomes imperative for proper treatment and cure to be instituted. Psychotherapy provides you with medical treatment that is required and for reputed and recommendable service, there are many psychologists in Panchkula who will help you get past these disorders. 
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