Posted by Indira IVF
Feb 2, 2019
Low sperm count is the main cause of male infertility due to which a large number of men population is affected. In medical term, it is also termed as oligozoospermia, where a male has fewer than 15 million sperms per ml of the fluid (semen). Having this condition may result in making difficulty in conceiving naturally, though the chances of successful pregnancies are still there. Of all the infertility cases, 40% of cases involved male factor contribution. When a couple tries to conceive for more than a year without protection and they failed. 

It is termed as infertility. When a couple fails to conceive the figures are always pointed towards females. The society doubts a female only and tagged her “sterile” irrespective of knowing the truth that a male can also be responsible for not having a child. If a pair experiences such a condition then instead of playing blame game it’s better to consult a doctor. Among men, low sperm count is the common reason of infertility which can be evaluated by keeping eyes on symptoms of low sperm count. Finding out the symptoms can help you to improve the low sperm count and increase the chances of fatherhood. 

In regards to male infertility, there are several low sperm count causes that can attribute to decrease the number of sperms in semen. As a result, this can make a man incapable to impregnate a female. In order to make a female pregnant, certain numbers of sperms are necessary. If the number is below the line then it can be known as low sperm count. Disorders like varicocele, infections, and malformed reproductive organs can result in low sperm count. Apart from this, exposures to toxins such as tight-fitting undergarments, heavy metals, and environmental pollutants. Additionally, there are some jobs which require long sitting hours that may create heating to testicles. 

In the present era, lifestyle plays an important role. Nowadays, adults are more involved in alcohol consumption and taking drugs, cocaine, smoking and eating tobacco. The impact of all these activities is on male sperm count. At times, it can affect the quality and quality of sperm that tends to infertility. In many cases, the low sperm count is also affected due to infections. Some infections such as epididymis or STI’s can interfere in producing healthy sperm or its health. It may also blockage the passage of sperm. 

Many people are curious to figure out the low sperm count symptoms. However, there is no specific sign through which we can detect the condition of low sperm count. But after marriage, if you are unable to conceive then it is the main indication that you need a doctor. In some males, issues like inherited chromosomal abnormalities, an imbalance in hormones or dilated testicular veins etc. Besides these symptoms, some more sings that can help you to figure out low sperm count. If a man having an issue in sexual function such as low sex drives or maintains difficulty in erection. Addition to this, if you are noticing pain or swelling in a testicle area can be an indication of low sperm count. Most of the couples get confused when to see a doctor?  Generally, if you are not able to conceive after one year then you should consult. Even when you find these symptoms then you should not ignore them. If it is early diagnosed then it can help you improve the symptoms and avoid future issues in conceiving a child. 

If you are struggling with low sperm count then you should not worry. Luckily, you have an option to undergo treatment for low sperm count. For instance, if you have to well in veins then it can be corrected surgically. If there is an absence of sperm during ejaculation then it can be extracted directly from the testicles. In case of infection, antibiotics can help you cure an infection of the reproductive tract. If you have issues in having sexual intercourse then you can take medication or counseling from the doctor. In the case of childlessness, the assisted reproductive technologies can help you to uplift the chances of having a baby. Through ICSI or IVF the sperms are inserted into the female’s uterus. With these treatments, the possibilities of pregnancy can be higher.  

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