Learn How to Make an App for Free

Posted by Excell One
Dec 17, 2020

There are applications everywhere! Think of that! Think of every famous brand, and you will find that you can download a smartphone app for them. Apps are primarily made for clients by corporations. Mobile applications are great business tools from a business point of view, regardless of the purpose they are used for. Apps are productive ways to improve your revenue because an app makes it easier to communicate with your consumer base. Creating an app is not an easy process, to be really frank. It can prove to be a laborious assignment and is a very money-intensive objective.

Nevertheless, here I will give you a thorough step by step guide from concept to execution. Feel free to jump around depending on your priorities in order to make it easier:

Generate an App Idea: If you've got an app idea already, then you're done. Go on to the next move! However I have a handful of very good strategies to help you come up with your next hit app concept if you are still working on getting a brilliant idea for an app. Next, note that there is rarely an entirely new concept that is born out of nowhere. According to the combined Google Play and Apple App Store, there are over 4 million applications in the database. One way to come up with a great concept for an app is to put a spin on an existing idea or try to incorporate elements you want from different apps. This happens and delivers amazing results all the time!

Scratch the itch on your own: I love this approach because the simplest ideas always yield the greatest results. Such basic ideas seldom come from a brainstorm of ideas for applications. Instead they're born out of an issue you face in life. Chances are that if you have this issue and you're trying to find a solution to it, there are other individuals as well. That's a very good reason to build one if the issue can be solved with an app! Even if you know that an app already exists to solve this problem, write down all of these ideas because, as you can see in the next step, there might be an opportunity to create a better app than what currently exists.

Do competitive market research: Now we need to find out if any apps are solving the problem that your app solves. If you see other applications in the App Store that are already solving the same issue as your app, don't be disheartened. Realise, there are no new ideas and there is always space for changes, as I said earlier. This can actually be a wonderful sign, because it shows you that your idea is feasible and that it's really important. That's why rivalry exists! The key is to show how well these other current applications satisfy the need. 

These apps may potentially be out of date or may have stopped being updated by the app creator. Or maybe none of them satisfy the mark of what the crowd really needs and desires. Scroll through any competing apps you find in the ratings and feedback. To keep track of your progress, you may want to create a matrix or spreadsheet. This analysis you are doing right now will establish the starting point for the features to be included in your own bespoke app development and which ones to concentrate on first. Here’s what you’re looking for:

  • App Name

  • Feature set

  • Price/monetization scheme

  • App publisher

  • Last updated

  • Ratings and Reviews

  • Downloads

Note down the functionality for your app: It's a lot of fun because you get to dream about this part! Take the concept of your app and imagine what would be a better version of your app. Depending on real user feedback and research, the vision will certainly grow and change, but for now the sky's the limit. Get all of it down on paper and remember and breathe some life into your idea. You can also think about how you are going to monetize the app if you like. I do say that this should not be the main focus of the concept of your app, however. User acceptance is often more critical in the starting stages of an app. 

Make design mockups of your app: You are now able to start thinking about how to develop an intuitive and easy-to-use app. In order to use its functionality, what will the user see and how will they communicate with your app? Typically, since everything is in transition and there is a lot of rough sketching as you create your ideas, I just start with a pencil and a notebook or piece of paper. 

  • Main screens

  • Main navigation

  • What is Usability?

  • Onboarding Sequence

  • Designing Tools

Create your app’s graphic design:  It's now time to visually bring your app to life by designing exactly how your app would look. It's kind of like those pre-construction condo brochures that display the design art of how when the condo is finished, the design will look. You’re creating a graphic design that:

  • Represents the actual product presentation

  • Can be used to sell prospective investors or associates in presentations

  • You can use developers to incorporate the graphic assets into the project.

That’s why I recommend that you get some help from a professional graphic designer who has proven work designing app UIs if it’s very important to you to have a slick, professional looking app. 

Decide app marketing plan: The iOS App Store has nearly 2 million applications. You need to have a strategy to sell it to the right audience to make sure that the app gets used. A lot of the marketing work happens these days before the app is launched! Building a pre-launch email list, for example, is common practice these days, as well as using paid ads to promote your app. Here is a list of pre-launch and post-launch app marketing tactics you should follow to ensure you put your best foot forward! Everything you should do before the publication of your app:

  • Build a landing page for your app and build a pre-launch email list.

  • Include a media kit for your app.

  • Make sure you’re familiar with App Store Optimization (ASO).

  • Do a press release for your app.

  • Consider paid marketing.

  • Email your pre-launch email list.

The job isn't finished once your app is installed! It's time to search for bugs and mistakes in the software. A "bug" is something in software development that causes the app not to run as planned. Until releasing, you want to fix as many crucial bugs as possible, since a user's first experience is very significant. If your app crashes or does not run, there is a high likelihood that the user will automatically uninstall your app. The interesting part is here! Finally, you're ready to launch your app in the App Store so that your creation can be downloaded by millions.

A mobile app & web application development will offer a boost and an edge to your company over your rivals, allowing you to better communicate with your target customers. To start with, developing an app can seem daunting, particularly if you are not technically inclined. This article, however, breaks down the process into these easy-to-follow steps that help you quickly learn how to build an app. Before you embark on your app development journey, it is important that you have a strategy ahead of you.

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