Know When To and When Not To Visit Alexandria Clinic for Urgent Care

Posted by Patrick Ward
Nov 17, 2020

This is the flu season. And don’t forget the Coronavirus is still there (who can forget!). So, it is but natural that you may not want to visit a hospital as a precautionary measure. Hospitals are teeming with patients. The last thing you want is to come in contact with somebody with a contagious condition.


The best alternative is to visit Alexandria clinic for urgent care. It is easily accessible, costs lesser, has a lesser patient rush, and provides quick treatment.


You can easily walk in and see a doctor. Get the treatment within minutes.


Unless you are suffering from Coronavirus symptoms, an urgent care clinic is a convenient place to rush to when you require immediate medical care.


In case of Covid-19 symptoms, please stay at home, isolate yourselves, and contact a doctor on phone or virtually. Do as per the doctor’s instructions.


Urgent care centers are a boon, but not a substitute for preventive care


There is a doctor just around the corner. This fact shouldn’t make you skip that important heart screening or a chest X-ray.


Screenings come under preventive care. They are helpful in catching an infection or a disorder in the earliest stage.


You shouldn’t be waiting to fall ill or get a symptom to visit your nearby clinic. Now that the lockdowns have been lifted, you must undergo your pending routine checkup to ensure everything is fine.


Again, Alexandria doctors office is a great place for this. They also conduct STD testing. So, if you have been thinking of undergoing a STD test, but holding back due to embarrassment, urgent care center is the right place to be. They conduct discreet testing.


3 Conditions in which you must rush to a hospital and not the urgent care


1. You have severe shortness of breath.


This could be the Coronavirus or a heart attack or a severe allergic reaction. Rush to a hospital or call an ambulance.


There is a difference between finding it difficult to breathe normally and gasping for breaths. The former could be due to a stuffy nose or a minor lung infection. The latter is a matter of life and death.


2. You develop chest pain, particularly on the left side.


This is a sign of heart attack. If your pain is accompanied with a squeezing or pressure on the chest and the pain is radiating to your shoulders and jaw, then it’s a sure sign of heart attack, according to experts at the National Heart, Blood, and Lung Institute.


According to doctors, women usually experience nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, and radiating pain during a heart attack.


Urgent care clinics are not equipped to handle heart attacks, but yes, they do conduct cholesterol panel. So, if you have a pending cholesterol checkup, walk in the clinic.


3. You develop sudden difficulty in speaking, a paralytic attack, and confusion.


These are signs of a stroke, say doctors. You may need a CT scan or a MRI in this case. Alexandria clinic for urgent care can handle asthma attacks, allergic reactions, and depression, but not strokes. 

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