Key Elements of CakePHP 3.3.0 for an Enhanced User Experience

Oct 2, 2018

This article puts emphasis on the latest features of the new CakePHP version 3.3.0, all of which, come with their own advantageous aspects to aid developers in developing powerful web applications and websites.

Being one of the most old PHP frameworks, CakePHP comes with the potency of creating powerful applications and websites. Moreover, CakePHP’s beta version 3.3.0 is being recently released with a series of elemental performance enhancements along with minor bug fixes. To deploy these enterprise-class features, every company must focus on retaining certain minimum requirements like PHP 5.4 or intl extension and mbstring extension.

Here, we are going to talk about some of the most intrinsic yet essential features of this updated version.

New inclusion: ORM

The latest ORM present in CakePHP’s latest version is extremely powerful, flexible and feature-packed which, can compete with any other available framework. It uses a Datamapper Pattern, completely loaded library, advanced query building options along with personalized data types to design a series of complex applications. This latest ORM hosts a backing for an advanced interface to facilitate the task of query building and composite primary keys.

Quick and easy routing

Reverse routing is considered as one of the efficient features which, this platform comprises of. As seen in the earlier versions, this feature was pretty slow with gradual increase in the number of routes. However, this version comes with an effective reverse routing feature that never slows with even the number of routes getting doubled. Dispatching and parsing of routes turned to be quite practical and quicker with this newly launched version.

Updated Internationalization and powerful migration

Applications can be migrated and developed flexibly deploying the Phinx plugin. I18n, the subsystem, is being newly developed for providing developers with a set of comprehensive benefits of intl PHP extension. Presently, CakePHP hosts the capability of a local aware-time library, feature-packed translation languages and a locale-aware number library.

A rebuilt DebugKit

The CakPHP versions developed after 3.0.0 comes with a latest written kit to assist programmers in context to the element of debugging. It comes with a series of additional features and the debugging toolbar is being installed in default.

New controllers

Libraries which, were available with previous versions were being divided into some standalone ones which, were meant to be utilized outside the CakePHP applications as well. These standalone libraries help developers to make extensive usage of complete attributes provided by the latest version.

Wrapping up

Well, what’s so unique about this latest version is; it supports a domain driven design. instead of that huge and single bloated model, the CakePHP programmers will get better chance to utilize the repositories and database access objects. Thus, the next time you are about to develop highly-functional applications and websites, consider CakePHP, which comes with a series of enterprise-class features.

Jonathan Paul Is one of the experienced CakePHP programmers of PHPProgrammers, a Sydney based web development company who aims to enlighten readers with the core features and beneficial aspects of using CakePHP.

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