Keep Breast Cancer At Bay: Preventative Measures To Follow

Posted by Akash Sharma
Jun 3, 2020
There are numerous risk factors of Breast Cancer including improper diet, excessive estrogen levels, gene mutation, obesity, smoking etc. Women who are dealing with of the aforementioned situation are at a higher risk of getting breast cancer, as also asserted by Dr. Sidharth Sahni, a prominent oncologist based in Delhi-NCR. 

Except for gene mutation that happens due to hereditary reasons, we can put in our best efforts to prevent breast cancer and its lethal outcomes. 

Below-mentioned are a few preventative measures that you can take to reduce the risk of breast cancer. Here they go: 

•According to a study, women put on weight once they cross 18. This furthers their chances of developing breast cancer when they reach their menopause stage. Moreover, with weight gain, the estrogen production in women increases that further takes you one step closer to getting breast cancer. Hence, it is extremely important to maintain your weight to an optimal level in order to prevent the occurrence of breast cancer. 

One can do so by involving in physical activity, eating a nutritious and healthy diet. Besides, physical activity lowers down the production of estrogen in the body that directly translates to a lowered breast cancer risk. Even someone is exercising for 30 minutes on a daily basis; he or she can significantly reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. 

•There is no denying the fact that healthy eating is substantial for healthy living. If you are not eating property, the chances of getting the breast cancer also increase. This can be avoided by simply changing your eating habits. If you eat junk foods regularly, you need to stop consuming them at the earliest as they are amassed with ingredients that contribute to obesity, and eventually breast cancer along with numerous other ailments. If you must eat fats, focus on good fats. Avoid eating polyunsaturated as well as saturated fats as they can adversely affect your health in long-term. Instead go for monounsaturated fats that are present in edible oils like olive oil. Moreover, including fruits and vegetables in your diet can greatly help as they contain the required antioxidants, as per Dr. Sidharth Sahni Apollo. Eating flaxseed can also benefit you while you are trying to prevent the occurrence of breast cancer. 

Apart from the aforementioned measures, you must also reduce your alcohol consumption and quit smoking to avoid breast cancer. 

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