Is Nephrotic Syndrome Curable?

Posted by Rahul Kumar
Jun 9, 2021

Nephrotic Syndrome is not a disease in itself but it's a group of symptoms that can appear when your kidneys stop working properly.

Your kidneys have small blood vessels that work as a filter and help clear out wastes, toxins, and extra fluid from your blood. The wastes and the fluid end up in the bladder and excreted into your body as urine. These blood vessels are part of Glomeruli. When this kidney section is damaged, a high amount of protein starts leaking through the filters into your urine. The situation is mainly called Nephrotic Syndrome in medical terms. Nephrotic Syndrome can affect adults and well as children. This kidney problem can be managed with medicines and a modern treatment approach. However, Ayurvedic treatment can cure this kidney problem permanently and safely.


What are the factors behind Nephrotic Syndrome?

The healthcare professionals have classified Nephrotic Syndrome causes in two parts; primary and secondary.


Primary causes of Nephrotic Syndrome

The factors or medical conditions that only affect the kidneys' filtering section, Glomeruli are called primary causes of Nephrotic Syndrome. Some primary causes of Nephrotic Syndrome are;


     FSGS- In this problem, scarring occurs in Glomeruli that changes the way how Glomeruli work. 

     Membranous Nephropathy- Your immune system complicates the build-up in the glomeruli that cause damage.

     Minimal change disease- In this problem, minor or unnoticed damage occurs in the glomeruli of your kidneys. The damage to the glomeruli is too minor to detect. This damage can be detected only with a powerful microscope. It's the most common cause of Nephrotic Syndrome in children.


Many other factors may affect your kidney health that may lead to Nephrotic Syndrome.


Secondary causes of Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic Syndrome secondary causes are the conditions that affect the entire body and may cause this problem. A few secondary causes of Nephrotic Syndrome are



     Systematic Lupus Erythematosus

     Certain Infections i.e. Hepatitis B, or HIV

     Some cancers


Nephrotic Syndrome may cause some health problems which are swelling in ankles, feet, or legs, fatigue, loss of appetite, weight gain and foamy urine, etc. When a person gets to notice these symptoms, he should immediately reach an expert physician.

In case of these symptoms, a doctor may ask to conduct some tests to check if these symptoms are associated with Nephrotic Syndrome. Your physician may suggest some routine urine tests, blood tests to check various factors such as albumin level, wastes, and fluid level in the blood. Along with that Glomerular Filtration, the rate is also measured using some blood samples.

Once, these tests indicate poor kidney functioning, some other tests may be conducted to check kidneys' health and remaining functioning portion. Imaging tests and Renal Biopsy are the tests that may be taken into use. If the tests confirm Nephrotic Syndrome, a patient should search for the best treatment. 

What can cure Nephrotic Syndrome?

The conventional treatment method uses medicines for the complications of Nephrotic Syndrome to manage this problem. If the problem advances, your kidney functionality gets affected. At this stage, an artificial treatment method, dialysis can be conducted. Eventually, a kidney transplant may be recommended if your kidneys become entirely damaged. These modern treatment methods can help in the management of the problem. But it doesn't have restorative property so it can't repair the damage to your kidneys. Apart from that, Allopathic treatment methods are risky as they have many consequences. In the contrast, if you choose Ayurvedic treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome, you can get the best results.

Ayurveda is a thousand-years old healing system that follows a completely unique treatment methodology to overcome all odds of a problem. The best feature of this treatment is that it has the restorative property that rejuvenates an organ by repairing the damage and reviving its functionality. This ancient treatment method applies the same healing method to cure Nephrotic Syndrome.

In this kidney problem, Ayurvedic treatment works on its deep causes and reverses the damage to the kidneys naturally. It repairs Glomeruli and ensures them to function well again. Additionally, it also takes steps to revive your health using herbal medicines and some ancient therapies. These two factors are major aspects of Ayurvedic treatment that help a patient get rid of Nephrotic Syndrome problem for prolonged or permanently.

Nephrotic syndrome ayurvedic treatment in the UK

Apart from that, Ayurveda also teaches to live a healthy and longer life by living a life as per its fundamental. It mainly consists of following a balanced diet, avoiding poor health habits, and doing some physical activities. These factors of Ayurveda make it the most effective and completely safe treatment; it’s also affordable as well. In a nutshell, Ayurvedic treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome can help you get rid of complications of this kidney problem. 

If you are looking for a lasting cure to Nephrotic Syndrome, adopt Ayurveda for the best cure.

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