Is it Safe to Buy Frame Damaged Cars?

Posted by Andrew Richardson
Oct 26, 2021

Frame damage occurs after the car is damaged in an accident that substantially compromises its structural integrity. These vehicles may be repairable, but they may cost tens of thousands of dollars. As a result, frame damage would commonly result in a salvage title and a descent to the bottom of the used vehicle market barrel. 

However, suppose you are thinking about buying a car with frame damage at this stage. In that case, the most important question is, "Is it safe to buy a car with existing frame damage?" To know the answer, here's everything you need to know about buying damaged frame cars.

What is a Frame Damaged Car?

Deep underneath all of your car's parts lies a structural support structure known as the frame. It's intended to protect you in the event of an accident, and it's the foundation upon which your automobile is built.

When the structure of your car's frame has been compromised due to an accident or a third-party alteration, the phrase "Frame Damage" is applied. When there is frame damage reported, it implies that parts of the vehicle that give structural support may have been damaged.

The Mechanics of Frame Damage

Listed below are some of the basic mechanics of frame damage:

1 - In brief, it is one of the worst things that could happen to your vehicle. When a frame is damaged, it means that your vehicle is no longer structurally safe for use and travel.

2 - A bent vehicle frame indicates that the parts of your vehicle do not coordinate well with each other. Furthermore, having a damaged frame defeats its main function, which is to cooperate with other automobile parts to assure the passengers' safety.

3 - Your vehicle will not work properly if its parts are imbalanced. For example, it will wear down the tires, brakes, and steering parts unnecessarily. Your vehicle will eventually fail.

Should You Buy a Car with a Damaged Frame?

Economically, it makes no sense. As stated earlier, repairing the frame alone will cost a significant amount of money. Furthermore, if the damage is significant, the frame parts will need to be cut and welded anew to ensure the structure is not compromised. But this would be expensive too.

But, suppose your vehicle dealer did not inform you about the car's accident and its damage. In that case, you should consult with an attorney to learn what you may do next.

The Bottom Line

If you still want to proceed because your car is a limited edition, take it to a reputable repair facility. However, if your dealership lies about car frame damage, you should contact Allen Stewart right away.

Andrew Richardson is the author of this Article. To know more about lemon law buyback please visit our website:

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