How to Promote Your Employer's Brand on Social Media

Posted by Pawan Kumar
Feb 14, 2022

The social media recruitment process is an easy-going, fast, and reliable way to choose top talent and promote your employer's brand. In this guide, you will find some helpful guidelines, tips, and inspirational examples of actual employer branding on various social media networks.

Your business is a great place to work, and you have a strong employer brand to showcase. But some questions always strike. For example, why should a candidate choose you instead of your competitor? How can you be the best choice for them? 

Well, for that, you can conduct employee surveys to find out what made people join your company and whether they are happy with their careers because they are your best brand ambassadors. 

But what about those who have declined your organization - did you get feedback on why they decided not to accept your offer? Maybe you're not the chosen employer, or is there any other reason.

Whether or not you have consciously developed your employer's brand, you will already be perceived externally based on your offer. Candidates you interview are a good way to find out what the brand is, what they perceive to be because they are new to the company and value what they know when they hear about you or use your product.

Before going ahead, let us first understand the basics of employers’ brands.

What is an Employer's Brand?

An employer brand is a term used to describe your company's reputation as an employer. Or you can say employer branding is the process of presenting your company as a desirable employer.

Employer branding aims to attract quality candidates and make your company the employer of their choice. 

Why Should an Employee Promote Branding?

Well, the answer to the question of why an employer should focus on improving branding is as follows:

  • Attract new and high-quality brand talent

  • Retain current employees

  • Reduce rental costs

  • Improve employee engagement

  • Create a better business identity

Importance of Promoting an Employer Brand

So if you want to attract top talent, you need to create a strong employer brand and present a strong employee value proposition. Companies use a variety of recruitment marketing strategies, activities, and channels to communicate their employer's brand and employee value proposition to potential candidates.

One of the most important and frequently used channels for promoting an employer brand is social media. It's part of a recruitment technique called social media recruiting to promote your employer's brand on various social media sites.

Effective use of Social Media to Promote an Employer's Brand and Attract Talent

Effective use of social media to brand an employer and attract talent is a functional strategy in which you try to achieve two goals at once. These can be achieved in many ways; however, to achieve the best results, recruiters need to have strategies that can be implemented simultaneously. to achieve the best results

However, it should be noted that there is no clearly defined guide or set of activities with clear responsibilities. Rather, it would be teamwork that requires the active contribution of all team members.

Here are some things to get started as a business.

1. Going Digital with the Right Tools

The technology or tools used in the career, the speed of the selection process, effective communication, or everything companies do or invest in to make recruiting easy and convenient for candidates will ultimately affect the brand of the company's employer. 

This requires finding the right social media tools to improve the recruitment process. Because candidates 'experience directly affects an employer's brand, recruitment teams can use the latest tools in the candidates' experience, such as CRMs, AI-based chatbots, candidate growth engines, and more.

2. Identify the Correct Recruitment Platform

Not all social platforms work in the same way. Also, not all channels work for you. Therefore, it is important to identify your target audience's social media channels. For example, LinkedIn usually comes to mind when hiring. 

However, this is not the only platform. But note that you don't have to be on every single platform. Conduct an in-depth survey and use relevant keywords to find out which platforms are popular in your industry and among your audience.

3. Create and Share Relevant Content

Social media makes it easy to make storytelling visual. People want to imagine working for companies.

A great way to do this is to use photos and videos on all of their social media platforms. Make sure all the visuals you share match your brand's colors.

Once you've identified the right social media platforms for your industry and recruiting goals, the next step is to engage with potential talent through content. It can be textual, visual, audible, or graphic. 

No matter what type of content you choose, it must be interesting, relevant, timely, and engaging. Do not include irrelevant or boring content. It is also not necessary to produce content all the time. You can curate and repackage your content and present it to your audience. However, don't forget to give credit where it comes.

4. Sharing the Company's Work Culture

Companies can customize some of the following activities in their marketing campaigns to create a better employer brand and attract new talent to the brand:

  • Add on blogs about your company events, environment, work culture, company recruitment process, benefits, etc.

  • Add photos and videos of events, work culture, employee highlights, etc., to your social media posts.

  • Add video testimonials that employees have shared. Positive experience in the company and being part of a branding exercise will greatly impact new hires.

  • Talk about the company's value to the candidate's experience and the employees' experience.

Making this type of content easily accessible to potential candidates and even potential customers adds value to the overall employer brand.

5. Identify your Sales Arguments

It is not necessary that what works for others might work for you too. That's why you need to identify your unique selling points that you can advertise on social media. Not only will this help you better understand your business, but it will also be more effective in showcasing your employer's brand.

6. Measure your Efforts

The biggest mistake of organizations is that they do not monitor their initiatives or measure their efforts. As a result, they will not positively influence their audience or get the maximum return on their investment.

Sometimes some things don't work in your favor. And then, some initiatives will bring you unexpected results. What works and what doesn't can only be known if you analyze your activities and measure your performance.


Social media allows you to develop and create the exact impression of your business, while employer branding aims to create a reputation for your organization.

Brands who post on social media only occasionally often suffer from coverage compared to those who consistently deliver messages, as well as employers who only advertise when they hold a specific position, often struggling to build a strong talent pipeline. 

In contrast, a continuous or even automated message flow can keep your employer’s brand ahead of potential candidates, leading to a pool of talent-rich dedicated, and enthusiastic job seekers.

Using social media to brand an employer and attract top talent is an art. And by constantly striving, you will improve it over time. Of course, there is a brush and a trough. But it's worth the effort.

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