How to project when we build interior

Posted by Ronald D.
Dec 5, 2019
Getting into a real estate purchase is not an easy thing. Sometimes we are confronted with overloaded goods in terms of decoration and furniture; or on the contrary, we are lost in front of totally empty rooms. And if we saw it rather as an advantage?

By going through a builder of individual houses, one benefits from a true follow-up of this beautiful project of life. From field research to the development of plans to the various stages of construction: we can already see a good draft thanks to the many views in 2D and 3D. But when you visit an empty house, the easiest way is to start by appreciating the volumes at their fair value.

Look at where the light is and how the spaces interact with each other. You can then project yourself by adopting the right tools.

Imagine a global atmosphere
Do not just say "the couch will go here"; no, facing an empty room, we will rather try to imagine a global atmosphere, with the maximum of elements to really be able to project.

To illustrate this article, I suggest you do a little exercise with the development of a living room of one of these houses. You will see that even bare walls are not a brake on creativity!

Neutral colors & beautiful materials
For this project, I chose to imagine an atmosphere in neutral tones, earthy and warm. I wanted to combine timeless lines with pretty materials to bring the stamp to the room.

To structure the space, why not paint the stairs in black to highlight this graphic element?
For the walls, I opt for a very pure white; and why not a pan painted in Green Card Room, an intense shade that will add depth.

In terms of materials, we play on 100% natural codes with linens, wool, braided wicker, wood and steel.

What do you think? Are you able to project yourself?
Keep in mind that these planks will be complemented with your family items and personal belongings for a truly unique result!
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