How To Prepare For A Home Inspection

Posted by Abhinav G.
Oct 27, 2023
Choosing to sell your home is usually the easiest part. It's much harder to get your house ready for sale, and part of that includes getting it ready for an inspection. Home inspection reports are a major factor in a successful sale. That's why sellers often opt to do a pre-inspection even before potential buyers walk through the front door.

Why pay money for a pre inspection when buyers will usually pay for an expert home inspection if they are serious about the property? Do you want to be told that there is a leak on your roof or that your electrical panel requires updating?
You do. Pre-inspections give you an idea of what the buyer is likely to find and what needs to be fixed and updated. If you decide to not make the repairs needed, at least educate the buyer before they submit an offer. There are some sellers who will sell the house as-is. By doing a home inspection before listing, you will avoid any surprises. The buyers will not be able to walk away from a deal because of the condition of the house.

Pre-inspection: Why complete it?

A pre-inspection is an honest act of disclosure. It sends the message that you are not hiding anything. This could even encourage a buyer to submit an offer. Your initiative will show that you have taken care of your home, even if the buyer decides to hire another independent inspector. It's especially helpful if you are selling your house on your own without an agent. It's always a good thing to show the buyer you're willing to go that extra mile.

This is a great negotiating tactic: A thorough inspection will prevent you from being blindsided when a buyer inspects your house and finds a major issue. You can decide when to be firm with your price and when to compromise a little. If you have decided not to replace your roof but know that it will be necessary in a few more years, you might need to lower the price. Knowing is power, and in this instance, it's also important to your bottom line.

What are the home inspections?

* Appliances: They will check that any appliances attached to your home are in good working condition, such as your oven, stove, dishwasher, washer and dryer, garage door and water heater.

* The Whole House: A home inspector will check all the major items in your home, such as electrical, heating, cooling, and gas.

* Check for structural problems: This includes roof, garages, attics, crawl spaces, siding, foundations, windows and doors.

All windows and doors will be thoroughly inspected during your home inspection.
Do-it-yourself home inspection in Canon City, CO checklist for sellers
You can do a few things to make sure that your inspection goes smoothly. Consider hiring an expert if you're not comfortable with any of the tasks on this list.

1. De-clutter and clean inspection points

* Clean furnace filter
* Cleaning the stove and oven
* Attic storage should be emptied
* Organise closets that provide access to your crawlspace or attic
* You should leave at least four to six inches around the exterior of your house.

2. Test the functionality of items that a home inspector checks

* Test locks and seals by opening and closing windows
* Run all faucets and flush all toilets
* Use ceiling fans or bathroom fans
* All light switches should be tested
* Test the reverse safety setting by opening and closing the garage door manually and using the remote.
* Check that the weather stripping around doors is intact
* Make sure that the downspouts divert water away from your home.
* Make sure that the heating ducts in your crawlspace are connected.
* Make sure that the fan vents are correctly vented out of your attic

3. Basic safety and security measures

* Replace the batteries in smoke detectors
* Test carbon monoxide detector
* Gas lines and chimney entry points should be covered.
* Exterminate rodents or bugs

4. Repairs to your property

* All gaps around the trim and siding should be sealed.
* Replace light bulbs
* Caulk bathtubs and sinks.
* Water damage can be repaired in bathrooms
* Drain clogs can be removed by removing any clogs.
* Seal cracked or missing gout
* Replace cracked and torn windows
* Replace missing roof covering
* Insulation in the attic and crawlspace should be replaced if it is damaged.
* Cover crawl spaces with 6mm plastic sheeting if needed

5. Exterior home improvement

* Clean the roof by sweeping off debris (or using pressure washing if necessary)
* Trim any trees near the roof or that hang over it.
* Clean gutters
* Remove debris from the area around the compressor, foundation vents, and downspout drainage.
* Water runoff can be reduced by sloping the soil away from your home

6. Prepare for the inspection in advance

* Leave your home one hour earlier than usual
* Bring your pets along
* Keep remotes for ceiling fans, garage doors, and lights.
* Please leave keys for all gates, outbuildings and electrical boxes
* Light the pilot for all gas-fired appliances including water heaters
* Check that all utilities are turned on
* Remove the laundry from the dryer and washer
* Remove the dishes from your sink and dishwasher
* Draw a map indicating the location of any wells or septic tanks
* Please leave all paperwork for maintenance, repair, and insurance claims.
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