How to Decorate the Getaway Limo for Bride and Groom?

Posted by Limorental Atlanta
Jan 29, 2020

Why do only bridesmaids have all the wedding arrangement duties on their shoulders? Some things should fall in the groomsmen’s kitty as well! How about decorating the bride and groom’s getaway car? It’s actually one of the easiest duties out of all the wedding arrangements. But if you don’t know where to start, read on!

Keep it a Surprise!

Everyone loves surprises and so will the bride and groom. Plan your arrangements secretly and surprise the couple on their wedding day. But how will you know the time when the couple will be riding off? Ask from the bride or groom’s mother; mothers always know these details! If not, then try to ask from either the bride or groom, without letting them guess the plan. Once you get the details, finish up the décor before the couple is ready to depart, but please don’t present them with a half-done surprise!

How to Decorate?

Decoration depends on the getaway car of the couple and if it’s a rented vehicle then ask for the driver’s permission first. But if it’s your buddy groom’s car, then don’t hesitate! Just make sure not to use any materials that can cause damage to the car like electrical tapes, paint or sharp objects. So what materials to go for? Use shaving cream or bar soaps for writing on the glass windows, you can fasten colorful ribbons and plastic bottles to the front and rear bumper. Attach floral streamers to the car’s roof, but be careful while using tapes. Now the iconic ‘just married’ sign, as it’s too mainstream for a wedding car, you can always be creative! opt for terms like ‘Just wedded’, ‘Finally hitched’ or ‘Now Mr. & Mrs.’

What’s the Need?

The basic purpose of decorating the wedding car is to grab attention! After all who does not want extra attention on their wedding day? Your perfectly embellished getaway car will stand out among the convoy when driving by other cars, while people scream congratulations out of their windows. What an exit!

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