How to Accept Global Payments?

Posted by Sahil Verma
Jul 18, 2022

Payments have always been an important part of business, dating back to the first coin made and used around 600 BC and continuing today with the rise of cryptocurrencies.

The way businesses accept payments has changed dramatically as a result of technological advancements. Digitalization, increased internet use and shifting consumer preferences have also put pressure on eCommerce retailers to provide convenience to their customers.

Furthermore, as Ecommerce purchases increase, customers expect retailers to provide appropriate payment options through online payment gateway.

If you own an online store, you must learn how to accept global payments. We'll get into the nitty gritty of international payment methods.

Why Does a Business Need Multiple Global Payment Options?

Ecommerce knows no bounds. Consumers and revenue can come from anywhere on the planet. Unfortunately, some online retailers set boundaries for their customers without even realizing it.

For example, if your online store does not accept multiple global payment methods, you will most likely lose customers.

Ecommerce is booming, but if you don't keep up with the latest trends, you'll miss out on all of the benefits.

Customers' purchasing decisions are heavily influenced by the payment options you provide.

According to data, 85 percent of online shoppers abandon their purchases due to inconvenient shopping experiences.

Though E-commerce provides a convenient way to shop from the comfort of one's own home, customers want even more convenience.

Offering a variety of global payment options is one way to improve the customer shopping experience while also benefiting your business.

We'll look at why your company needs to set up global payment options.

Customer Convenience

By offering several payment options, you are making the purchase convenient. As a result, it simplifies the checkout process for them, ultimately reducing cart abandonment.

Assume your customer spent hours searching for their favorite product and adding it to their wishlist, only to discover that your site accepts a single payment option – which may or may not be the one they can use.

Do you believe this customer will return to your website?

This is why a variety of payment options allow customers to choose their preferred one. As a result, they get to pick the one that best suits them.

Business Growth 

What do you think you're accomplishing by making shopping more convenient for customers? Perhaps you could persuade them to go shopping again!

When customers have multiple payment options, they are less likely to abandon their shopping cart.

Customers abandoning their carts for a variety of reasons, one of which is a confusing checkout process or the inaccessibility of payment options.

As an eCommerce retailer, you have the option of resolving this issue and attracting customers. More people purchasing from your website will increase customer loyalty, sales, and the value of your company.

Furthermore, by providing multiple payment options, you open the door to expanding your customer base internationally.

Having customers from all over the world will help your business grow significantly.

Ecommerce Payment Methods Used Worldwide

Customers expect a seamless shopping experience whether they shop on their mobile phones or desktop browsers.

They can select the best online payment gateway option for their needs thanks to a variety of payment options. If you want to reach any of the world's 4.66 million internet users, here are a few payment methods to consider including on your website.

Digital Wallets

Digital wallets, also known as electronic wallets, are among the most popular payment methods in the B2B online business world. According to statistics, it is expected to grow by 50% by 2022.

The customer is not required to enter their bank account information when using an e-wallet. They are instead redirected from the checkout page to the digital wallet page.

Then, in order to complete the purchase, they must log in with their username and password.

Credit and Debit Cards

Despite the fact that e-wallets have dominated the online business industry, credit cards remain popular among customers.

Credit cards are slightly more advantageous and preferred payment options than debit cards due to the additional features they provide. For example, a customer may gain access to bank reward programs. Furthermore, it has an impact on a user's credit score.

As a result, many customers prefer to pay with credit cards.

Electronic Checks

Customers can withdraw funds from their checking accounts using electronic checks, which are regulated by the Automated Clearing House.

The shopper authorizes payment from their internet bank account, and the payment is processed in the same way as regular paper checks. It is, however, much faster.

They were, in fact, the first internet-based payment method used by the Treasury for large online payments.

Prepaid Cards

Prepaid cards are yet another way for your customers to pay you. Even though they are slightly less common than other payment methods, a few shoppers still use them.

However, this should not prevent you from including one on your website.

Global Payment Service Providers Facilitating Payment Solutions

Payment methods are only one aspect of how you accept international payments. Instead, transaction currencies, countries, and regions are all taken into account.


Accepting payments is an important aspect of doing business online. As an online merchant, you may provide excellent products and services, but if you don't know how to accept payments, your business will fail to grow.

A simple method of accepting payments improves workflow and improves the customer experience.

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