How Project Management Certification Helps to Be an Effective Project Manager?

Posted by Ravi Sharma
Jan 11, 2018

Irrespective of the industry you work in, once you start climbing up the corporate ladder, you are likely to be loaded with more responsibilities at work. However, depending on your expertise, you are always better versed with peculiar tasks that fall under one or two phases of the project lifecycle. But, if you dream about managing an entire project end-to-end, you need to gain enough knowledge about all the phases, so as to be in a position to ensure all involved resources and teams perform to the best of their abilities. To develop such an ability, you would do well to undergo a project management certification.

This certification course in project management is a good option to get yourself acquainted with the kind of tasks required to be executed and monitored during the lifecycle of a project, relevant to your industry. It gives you an overall picture of the activities that should be a part of the checklist for every project manager, with the sole objective of giving equal attention to all teams, systems, and processes involved in a project. This ultimately helps you to ensure deliverables are met within the predetermined timelines, under all kinds of circumstances.

As a project manager, you will be expected not just to supervise, but, also pitch in with strategies, plans and budgets, when the need arises. To be able to don multiple hats effectively, it is advisable for any aspiring or current project manager to complete a certificate program in project management from NMIMS. And you need not worry about the type of project – this course will prepare you for a variety of sectors, be it construction, energy, manufacturing, transportation, or so on.

The NMIMS project management certification program equips you with the understanding of handling varied types of project management tools and techniques. You learn hands-on usage of MS Project software to bring about automation. Basically, this course covers the entire lifecycle right from project initiation to strategizing, to implementation, to maintenance and support, to closure, and more. 
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