How many types of kidney diseases and their symptoms are there?

Posted by Rahul Kumar
Sep 15, 2021

Kidney diseases have become a primary concern for the world due to the rapidly increasing number of kidney patients every passing year. People with kidney problems have to undergo a mental crisis as they have to manage their budget and health. The modern treatment procedures are too complicated and thus expensive; consequently, the family of a kidney patient also deals with mental pressure. In case of kidney problems, not even a single patient suffers, but his whole family suffers. Instead of treatment, the prevention of kidney disorders may tackle this problem. For that, spreading awareness about kidney diseases, causes, and their symptoms is the need of the hour. By doing so, countries can lessen their financial burden of arranging facilities for their kidney patients. 

In the same context, here we will tell you about some common kidney problems, their causes, and the symptoms you may develop.

Some kidney diseases and their types

Chronic kidney disease

When it comes to kidney disease, chronic kidney disease is a common kidney disease. It affects around 1 out of every 10 people and has come up as a global threat. It’s a prolonged condition that worsens over a period if not identified and treated timely. It commonly occurs due to high blood pressure.

Uncontrolled blood pressure is problematic for kidneys as it can increase the pressure on the glomeruli. Glomeruli are the small structures in the kidneys that help clean blood and remove wastes from the blood. Over a period, the increased blood pressure can damage these blood vessels, and kidney function begins to slow down. 

Kidney function ultimately deteriorates where kidneys are no longer can do their natural functions properly. 

Another major cause of chronic kidney disease is diabetes. It is a group of diseases where you may have high sugar levels. High blood sugar levels can damage small blood vessels in the kidneys over time. Consequently making kidneys incapable of doing their natural functions. Eventually, kidney failure can occur when your body gets overloaded with toxins.

Kidney stones

Kidney stones are one of the common kidney problems. The stones form in your kidneys when minerals and other substances in the blood get accumulated in the kidneys, forming hard substances. You may have small kidney stones that are wiped out during urination. But when the stones are large, they can pain in passing and may get stuck in between. So, they can obstruct urine flow, making urine passage painful, and a patient may have blood in urine as well.


Glomerulonephritis is the inflammation of your Glomeruli. Glomeruli are a group of tiny filtering structures in the kidneys and help clean blood. Glomerulonephritis may occur due to infections, intake of illegal drugs, or some congenital abnormalities. However, the problem generally gets better on its own, so there are a few chances you may need treatment.

Polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic cystic disorder where multiple cysts may appear in the kidneys. The cysts start deteriorating kidney functions when they grow large and damage kidney tissue. Eventually, cysts grow larger causing severe damage to kidneys which leads to kidney failure. So, it is recognized among the leading causes of kidney failure. 


Proteinuria is a medical condition where your urine has the presence of too much protein in the urine. It occurs when your kidney filters are damaged and can’t retain necessary substances in the bloodstream.

Urinary tract infections

Urinary tract infections are kind of bacterial infections that affect any part of the urinary system. Commonly, one may have infections in the bladder and urethra. Such infections are curable easily with medicines. Recurring infections can cause turn worse as they may spread to kidneys causing kidney failure.

Symptoms of kidney disease

Most kidney diseases interfere with kidney function and are progressive. Kidney problems often go unnoticed in their early phase. The reason is kidneys can compensate for their functioning even if they have minor or significant damage. That’s why kidney problems are known as silent killers, as they often cause symptoms when kidneys are severely damaged. The common symptoms of kidney diseases are:-

  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Problem in concentration
  • Trouble in sleeping
  • Poor appetite
  • Muscle cramping
  • Swelling in hands, feet or legs
  • Dry or scalpy skin
  • Frequently urinating during the night    
  • Symptoms that tell that your kidney disease is progressing to kidney failure are; 
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Changes in urine output
  • Fluid retention
  • Anaemia
  • Low sex drive
  • Sudden rise in potassium levels

What’s the best treatment for kidney problems? 

When you have symptoms of a kidney problem, you should immediately take the help of a physician. In such cases, your doctor may take the help of some tests to understand your actual problem. As a result, you are asked to follow some tests. Analyzing your reports, your doctor can detect your kidney disease. Once you are diagnosed with kidney disease, it’s better to begin treatment as soon as possible. But choosing the proper treatment is even more critical.

When it comes to conventional treatment methods, medicines, dialysis and kidney transplant can help you. Allopathy can help manage your kidney complications but can’t cure your kidney disease permanently. It doesn’t work on the roots of the disease; it only aims to manage complications with medications and some treatment methods. In some rare cases where kidneys are not working, your nephrologist may suggest a kidney transplant which is a surgical method. Thus, Allopathy has several complications and risks associated with it. Above all, it’s too complicated and expensive as well.

In contrast, if you find the best Ayurvedic treatment for kidney problems, you may get the best relief. Ayurvedic treatment works well in kidney problems as it rejuvenates kidneys and enables them to work independently again. This treatment utilizes herbs, some natural therapies, a diet, and few day-to-day life alterations to treat your kidney-related maladies.

Thus, Ayurvedic treatment can offer lasting relief without negatively affecting your health.

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