How Cleaning and Disinfecting Commercial Office Helps Prevent Coronavirus Spread

Posted by Micheal M.
Apr 9, 2020

The whole world is facing the brutality of the coronavirus pandemic. The whole economy is going down. However, several emergency services are there where you need to continue the work. However, in those commercial places, you need proper commercial office cleaning to ensure that there must not be any contamination. Remember that, any contamination can result in a massive outbreak. Therefore, these places must be cleaned and sanitized properly. Here are some ways to ensure proper cleaning.

Use Disinfectants To Clean Surfaces Quickly

Point out the places which you touch multiple times a day. These can be the doorknobs, sinks, cabinet handles, refrigerator doors, remote controls. However, it is not that these areas are touched by you only. Other employees of the office also touch it. Therefore, at offices, you need to clean these areas. To keep the germs at bay, use a disinfectant wipe, like Clorox Wipes, Lysol Wipes or Purell Wipes, to quickly sanitize those areas.

However, with the professional cleaning companies by your side, you don’t need to think about the supplies and equipment. All the professional cleaners bring their equipment. Once you wipe the area, let it air dry to give it time to kill any bacteria that could linger.

Using Disinfectant Spray

Several places are there in the office, which you simply can’t wipe down. Therefore, in those places, you need to use disinfectant sprays. Spraying in a sweeping motion to cover the entire surface, then let it completely dry before sitting down or walking on the surface. The commercial office cleaning can spray down countertops, mattresses, and tables. If you are running out of wipes, you can also aim your disinfecting spray into a paper towel to wipe down sink handles and other smaller surfaces.

Using Bleach Mixture To Clean Floors

Several people used to come inside the office wearing the shoes and all. If you don't take them off when you come into the house, you could track viruses and other germs. Note that you'll need to use a different disinfectant for porous floors, for example, if you use bleach on hardwood, it can remove the stain color.

Preparing The Cleaning Tools

You need to wear a surgical mask, disposable gloves and a bleach solution or appropriate disinfectant with an indication of effectiveness against coronavirus. Keep the windows open for ventilation, and remember to avoid touching your face and eyes. Further, you must also clean the fabrics used in the office. However, if you are not being able to clean them, it is better to hire professional fabric cleaners too.

Final Words

Therefore, over in this article, you have seen that how important the cleaning and sanitizing is, especially when you are fighting against the highly contagious disease like coronavirus. It is better to call a commercial office cleaning service, which will help you to keep your office clean and sanitize and the economy of the country to move forward. 

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