How can you be a responsible driver after driving school?

Posted by Naman A.
Jul 20, 2021

Listing down some of the important responsibilities drivers should consider once they have received a driving license.


    Put the phone away

Mobile phones have been considered to contribute to over 80% of on-road accidents. Social media platforms or mobile calls are often the cause of distractions that should not happen to you while driving the vehicle. When someone calls you or even you are about to make a call, try to resist the buzz to respond immediately because accidents are likely to happen in just a blink of an eye when you don't have full concentration or attention on the road. To resist the use of the phone, try to keep it away from you so that it does not cause you any distraction, or even if you think it is quite important to respond or make a call, stop the vehicle on the side of the road first and then use the mobile phone for your and others safety.

    Stay dry

The driver is the most important person on the Friday night outs. Don't feel like you're going to miss out on the fun. Rather consider that you are the responsible one who will drop all your loved ones safe at their respective home.

When one graduates from the Sydney driving school, they have the full freedom to make all of these choices independently as they are the responsible drivers who own a driving license. So you should never drink and drive, rather be a responsible driver for the safety of others and yourselves too.


    Put your mates up

Driving home when you or your friends are over-tired or intoxicated can be very harmful and dangerous for the people who are pedestrians and as well as for drivers.

If you are to host a party, it's best if you become the responsible one for letting your friends not drive back home if they have enjoyed the night completely and are intoxicated. Just let them crash your bed or any other spare space in your home so that they remain safe and don't cause any harm to others or themselves while they drive back home.


    Get insured

While you have been in the driving learning phase in a driving school most likely to be, you have your parents or guardian's car while you are in that phase. Now that you have learned to drive and are confident, you are likely to have your car so that you can drive without any hesitation. So be the responsible one and get car insurance for your car.

It's just best that you take the help of your family or friends to get the best CTP insurance deals.


    Reality check

Sometimes overconfidence can be fatal and risky. Your parents, guardians, and instructors were always there to keep you grounded while at your learning phase at the driving school.

But as you start driving solo after all the sessions and classes, the excitement of driving solo can take over your and can stop you from paying full attention to the road while driving. So make sure that you drive safely and attentively as no one is crash-proof, so consider that the one who is driving is somewhere at risk.



A driving lesson is a must for you to achieve perfect driving and eliminate all the anxiety involved while learning to drive. If you are looking for the best driving school Sydney offers, Galaxy Driving is one of the best and cheap driving schools for you to learn the perfect tricks of becoming a successful driver. They offer the best driving lessons as they are specialists in training new drivers or people who have little experience. They help you in boosting your confidence and make you learn to drive with ease and comfort. To know more about their services or package price, you can visit their website or mail them at




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