Hear the Digital Ethics Speaker – Gerd Leonhard and Know More

Posted by Futurist Gerd
Aug 19, 2019

Want to get a hold of the practical wisdom from the future? Ever listened to the futurist speaker, Gerd Leonhard who always says that future is already here, only the problem is that you haven’t paid enough attention to that? For most of the people, they are actually living busy in coping up with the existing challenges in the present and exploring more of the future and when it actually happens, fears and hopes do run among them resulting in problems like utopias. For organizations and individuals all around the globe, the best solution to the challenge is basically listening to the famous futurist speaker, Gerd Leonhard and this is why they are actually calling upon him seeking for the solutions.

Along with being referred to as a futurist, Gerd is famous as an author and a speaker and a film maker. Known and capable of looking beyond conventional futurism, the renowned futurist speaker is capable and is even listed among the top 100 most influential people in Europe. It is been said and even there has been a feedback of people who actually listened to him is that whenever he speaks and presents, it doesn’t feel like something that is being presented and all but in fact in real, it is supposed to be the gripping and unique performance for everyone.

Reckoned as the honourable and reputed digital ethics speaker, there is a large range of varied topics that are covered by him like artificial intelligence, future of education, training and learning, how to futurism your business, philosophy, society, humanity, media and much more. In everything he speaks and consults, he makes sure to address diverse topics through which human ca actually comprehend with the human machine relationship and what it really means to be a human in the era of algorithms and machines. He speaks and talks on a variety of topics, be it digital ethics, technological advancement in robotics, human genome manipulation, quantum computing, or else. Technology is basically more of a neutral thing now and the relevant information could be utilized actually now almost everywhere in the nearby future and often, it could concern that do we really need to have a digital ethics council? Listen to the speeches and seminars conducted by Gerd and this is for sure that once you will start listening, you will be able to actually comprehend about the technology, advancement and how it is going to benefit in the long and what are the probable causes that can impact the things in the future. 

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