Hair transplant surgery: What is the most natural looking one?

Posted by Jimmy O.
May 23, 2023

People who want to opt for a hair transplant surgery usually have one common question: Will their hair look natural after a hair transplant? Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is a modern hair transplant procedure that can make only a few visible scarring and give the patients natural-looking results. There will also be no visible scarring in the back of the head, known as the “donor area” in this hair transplant method. Read on to learn more!

What is a hair transplant surgery?

A hair transplant, also called hair restoration or hair replacement, is a surgical procedure for treating hair loss. It involves various methods, but all hair transplant surgeries include taking hair-bearing skin from a part of the scalp and grafting it onto bald, thinning, or damaged areas of the scalp.

What are hair transplant surgery procedures?

Various hair transplant procedures are available, the two primaries of which are follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). Other transplant surgery procedures are as follows:

  • SUT Hair Transplant;

  • Tissue expansion;

  • Flap surgery;

  • Scalp reduction surgery.

What Is Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)?

The FUE procedure is a minimally invasive technology during which the back of the head or the donor area of the scalp is shaved. Then, the surgeon will cut off the follicular unit grafts individually by the use of a small round punch. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia manually or by the use of a surgical tool. In the next step, the individual hair follicles are harvested from the donor area, and tiny incisions are made in the scalp. The surgeon then inserts the individual follicles into these incisions, and the surgical area is wrapped with bandages. The FUE extraction process may take one to four hours.

FUE vs. FUT?

The major difference between follicular unit transplantation (FUT) or strip method and follicular unit extraction (FUE) or follicular transfer is the way the hair is extracted in each procedure. In a FUT hair transplant, harvesting a strip of hair at the donor area will lead to a linear scar, while the extraction and transplantation of individual follicular units performed during an FUE hair transplant result in less scarring (like a small dot). Many patients who have done a FUT hair transplant procedure may have to grow their hair longer to hide the linear scars.

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) generally takes less time than an FUT hair transplant.

Who Is an Ideal Candidate for FUE?

People with mild to moderate baldness are good candidates for FUE.

What Are the Advantages of FUE Hair Transplant?

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) can offer patients remarkable advantages over the traditional “strip method” techniques like Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT).

  • Resulting in little (or no) scarring and stitches (less invasive than strip surgery);

  • Using advanced technology;

  • Having less discomfort and complication;

  • Having quicker recovery;

  • Resulting in consistent outcomes;

  • Minimizing the risk of infection;

  • Having good hair quality;

  • Being similar to natural hair;

  • Being more cost-effective.

What Are the Risks or Side Effects of FUE Hair Transplant?

Patients will not experience any scars from a FUE hair transplant and there only be tiny white dots where follicles were harvested that will heal over time.

The rare complications of FUE at the surgery site are as follows:

  • infection;

  • pain or swelling;

  • folliculitis (inflammation of the hair follicles);

  • bleeding;

  • numbness.

What Does FUE Procedure Cost?

The cost of a FUE hair transplant varies based on how much hair is being extracted, how skilled the surgeon is, and how well-equipped the clinic is. Hair transplant in Iran is much more cost-effective than in other countries and ranges from $600 to $2,000. The FUE costs $4,000 to $16,000 in the United States or Europe. In Asian countries, India and Turkey, the cost begins from $2,000.

What we offer at Raadina Health

If you would like to discuss your suitability for a hair loss treatment, you can contact our team at Raadina Health for a free consultation. We can advise you on the most reputable surgeons and clinics in Iran. We have various treatment packages, including hair transplant, which involves services such as a medical visa, clinic, doctor visits, medical tests, post-operative care, medicines, pick-up, transfer, and accommodations.

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