Guerilla Marketing Strategies Introduces Unique Marketing Strategy Called Drop Card Marketing

Posted by Abi D.
Oct 13, 2020

Drop Card Marketing is a new way to get someone's attention. It is one of the cheapest most unique marketing strategies and can be done everywhere by anyone.

Business owners need to consider a new marketing strategy to replace their ordinary business card marketing strategy. This new marketing system is called drop cards marketing. It is unique because it grabs someone's attention instantly. Drop card marketing is a simple marketing method to promote a business or events in a specific area. Guerilla Marketing Strategies blog owner said," If you are running a business or conducting an event, use this marketing trick. This marketing strategy is like a magic trick. You drop this card and let someone pick up the card, and they will reveal your message INSTANTLY!!" 

Drop cards are simple and cheap marketing strategies. It works by utilizing fake dollar bills or novelty bills that look authentic. The bill is available from $1, $5, $10, $20, and $100. This printed bill is foldable. On the backside, one can write their promotional message. They can write about their business in the area, such as restaurant business, property agent, services, websites, or upcoming events. Drop the realistic fake bills wherever they want, and wait for someone to pick up the card. They think it is a real bill, but not. After they pick up the card, the message will be revealed when they turn the bills.

Dollar card marketing will be the best choice for offline marketing strategies. The strategy is fast to prepare and hassle-free. The card can be purchased on the drop card marketing seller/provider, and the price is affordable. Drop card design is customizable, one can design their own message on dollar bills they chose, and the company will print out the drop card and send it to the customer address. Drop cards are available to purchase, starting from $14.99 per 100 cards to $374.99 per 5000 cards. They are built-in high-quality material and will be sent unfolded.

For more information about drop cards, please visit the Guerilla Marketing Strategies blog at

About Guerilla Marketing Strategies Blog 

Guerilla Marketing Strategies Blog is a blog owned by an experienced and successful internet marketer. The blog discusses everything associated with marketing strategies, including a drop card marketing strategy. For more information about the drop card marketing technique, please visit the Guerilla Marketing Strategies Blog.

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Guerilla Marketing Strategies

PO Box 271277

CC, TX 78427

(361) 238-0053


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