Gig Workers Securing Financial Freedom With This Generational Wealth Strategy

Posted by PRC Agency
Jul 7, 2023

When you think of a super-wealthy person, what comes to mind? Maybe a nice house. A luxury car. Summers in Lake Como and winters in Aspen? And what don’t you see? You can't see the strategies that create this kind of wealth or the consulting teams that guide it.

That's because up until now, this information has been kept secret among the privileged few.

A book titled “Why Black Wealth Matters in White America - Turning Black Spending Power Into Generational Wealth” pulls back the curtain on what exactly perpetuates generational wealth within America to reveal the wealth codes that have created a “rich getting richer” economic imbalance.

Authored by wealth management expert Solomon RC Ali, founding CEO of Solomon RC Ali Corporation, the book is intended to help gig workers from any ethnic background build a robust generational wealth plan by adjusting their perspective on money.

If you're a professional writer, self-employed consultant, or anyone who works on contract, this is the book you need to overcome gaps in the savings and retirement vehicles you get when you're a full-time company employee.

Find out more and order your copy now at

Ali is well-known for saying wealth building is “simple, but not easy.” Certainly, the rules surrounding tax breaks, 401(k)s, and other vehicles that seem to favor a select few can make building generational wealth feel unattainable when you've eschewed a salaried position to pursue your passion as a gig worker.

In his book, Solomon Ali cracks the code on established wealth privilege to expose the multiplier factor and show you how to achieve financial freedom by viewing money as a tool and not a barrier.

“When you picture a wealthy American, do you picture a white man?” asks Ali. "For most non-privileged Americans, it can feel like the cards are stacked against them, but whether your challenges are systemic, situational, or self-imposed, the rules of “the money game” are here for you too. You just need to learn them."

Ali’s book breaks generational wealth building into three key areas: The Wealth Code, Money Rules, and how to Play the Game. As an expert in advising companies across America in matters concerning M&A, financing, negotiations, and growth-oriented marketing strategies, Ali outlines the keys to personal financial wellness.

From changing your perspective on how you think about money, to Solomon's proprietary formula, the “Probability of Safe Returns,” to the idea that every dollar is a “worker,” you'll discover a gold mine of wealth-building ideas tucked inside the pages of this wealth-building bible.

While the book was originally written to help Black Americans, anyone interested in the root causes of money insecurity and how to overcome disparities will find the answers to these and other questions so they can halt generational struggles to begin building familial prosperity.

A regular guest on news programs that include ABC and The Wharton Business Daily, Solomon Ali has written a book that provides you with the tips, insights, and fundamentals you can draw from today to create tomorrow's intergenerational wealth.

Are you ready to turn the page on financial worry? Learn more at

Solomon RC Ali Corporation 5940 South Rainbow Boulevard, Las Vegas, NV 89113, United States Website Phone +1-800-984-7563
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