Getting To Know About Asthma

Posted by Mohit Jain
May 20, 2013
Image Earlier asthma was considered to be a problem existing in children, but various researches have shown that mostly adults suffer from this ailment.  It is regarded worse than the other ailment of the lungs like flu or cold, but the only the people who have gone through an asthma attack know how terrifying and uneasy it is. If said in simple words, Asthma is basically a condition that leads to the blockage of airways, which indirectly affects the breathing of a person. It is provoked when the airway gets in touch with anything that annoys the lining, which causes it to inflate and later makes swells. The airway of the lungs narrows down even more than actual due to the subsequent bolster of the mucus. This tapering has a tightening effect on the airways that causes the person an extreme difficulty while breathing which is known as Asthma. The breathlessness, shortening of one’s breath and sensation of rigidity is a common symptom of asthma and is seen in majority of the patients that suffer from it. This condition can cause the person to be filled with a lot of fright, distress and a feeling of suffocation.

The causes asthma differs from one person to the other, depending on the sensitivity of each individual. One cause that annoys a patient may not necessarily affect the other person in any way. One may have an allergy to something and that can trigger an asthmatic attack, the best way to gain control of such attacks is to know, what irritates you, the allergies you have that may lead to an attack and then try to stay away from them as much as possible to minimize the occurrence of such attacks. Cat or dog hair, pet anger are the most common reasons that trigger the occurrence. When a person goes through these situations, the attack may follow immediately. But many a times, the occurrence is not very obvious in many people and can lead to a late reaction. When facing any difficulty a doctor must be consulted to avoid problems in the future. These days, there are a number of treatments that are available which help the patients to lead a normal and healthy life.

After one has been diagnosed, an inhaler is usually prescribed by the doctor; it helps in calming the patient down at the time of an attack or at least lessens the impact of the reaction. In rare cases steroids are prescribed by the doctor and preventer medication as well. Physical activity plays a vital role for the prevention of asthma, as reported by studies.  A physical activity level that is combined with a healthy weight can help in shooing away asthma by allowing easy breathing and a good activity level for the lungs. A good balanced diet which includes fruits and green leafy vegetables should be taken, as it helps greatly in preventing asthma. Also, fruits that are rich in Vitamin C must be taken as they provide a shield on the respiratory system thus preventing against asthma.

Do you happen to reside in Austin, Texas and are looking for a qualified allergist for treatment. Texas Allergy Center is a preferred choice when it comes to asthma in Austin treatment. To seek an appointment call us at 512-248-8864.

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