Get The Best Water Disinfectant For Clean, Safe Drinking Water While You Travel

Dec 7, 2021
Get The Best Water Disinfectant For Clean, Safe Drinking Water While You Travel

Remember the time you were stuck in Vietnam and thirsty as heck with zero clean water around you to drink? Staring at the tap, wondering, 'Is this safe to drink?' while actually recalling tales of fellow travelers who got severely ill after attempting to quench their thirst with water that not even the locals would drink?

No. Oh well. But hang on. This could be your story. One day. Somewhere in a foreign land far away. And what then? Are you going to be an adventurous trooper and just brave the consequences, come what may? Oh, what a pretty price you would pay for your questionable courage at that moment.

No, my dear. Forget about it. Courage in the face of thirst is not what you want. I promise you, it is not. What you really want is a chlorine dioxide water purification kit to kill those critters and safely quench that thirst! Huh? I'll say it again slowly .... chlorine dioxide kit.

I can just see you want to know more. Read on, my fellow traveler!

With the goal of providing safe, clean drinking water, the Oneness Lab has released a report for travelers such as yourself who want an effective water purification method while going from here to there and everywhere. Now you can easily access a proven water disinfection treatment for great tasting drinking water anywhere you find yourself in the big wide world out there.

For more information about the Oneness Drops, you can go to

Oneness Labs' latest information update helps you understand the difference between the two water purification activation options available to create pleasant-tasting water that is also clean and safe to drink.

How is chlorine dioxide made?

There are two main components to creating chlorine dioxide, namely equal parts of 28% sodium chlorite, and an activator. Here there are two activation alternatives, both of which will help you create water purifying chlorine dioxide, namely 4% hydrochloric acid (HCI) or 50% citric acid.

What is the difference in taste between using citric acid or hydrochloric acid as an activator to make chlorine dioxide?

The difference between the two activation ingredients is in how it will taste to you, with citric acid leaving a stronger chlorine taste which might be perceived as tasting cleaner. Hydrochloric acid does not have this aftertaste which you actually might find more palatable.

How long will water purified with chlorine dioxide last?

The water purification ingredients will not expire if you store them correctly and treated water bottles kept in a cool, dark place can remain clean for approximately 4 years.

Are there any precautions that I need to take with the purified drinking water that I make with chlorine dioxide?

You can rest assured that chlorine dioxide will kill harmful water pathogens, bacteria, and parasites when added to your drinking water. However, please take care to not expose your water bottles to air, excessive heat, or direct sunlight. You will need to re-treat exposed water with the same water purification methods.

About Oneness Labs

Oneness Labs was founded in 2019 by one of their directors who experienced how chlorine dioxide helped purify his drinking water and overcome stomach bugs during an Amazon trip in 2008. He consequently gave the water purification drops to others who were living in unhygienic living conditions, with great results. Today they continue their humanitarian work of providing water purification water drops to over 5,000 people in local Amazon communities.

Oneness Labs are the trusted water purification experts you can always rely on - go on over to their website or give them a call at (818-213-2927) to find out more.

Order your Oneness Drops chlorine dioxide kit to help you create a great traveling experience. No matter where you are!

No more tummy bugs, vomiting, diarrhea, and excruciating midnight pain. Yay!

A satisfied customer said, “This product is amazing! It helped me get rid of a stomach bug while traveling abroad. I won’t travel again without it. Thank you.”

Go to for the safe, drinking water solutions you need for the next trip you take. You won't regret it.

Buy chlorine dioxide drops at