Floods and earthquakes: clear signs of the nations' demise

Posted by Isabelle Esling
Jun 5, 2016
Image Since the days of Noah, mankind has pushed the boundaries of immorality very far. As a matter of fact, the world has never known as much depravity as of today. With the fulfilling of many biblical prophecies in our contemporary world, many signs are actually pointing at our Messiah's imminent return.
Beware, I am not a doomsday prophet, and I don't have the pretention to predict any precise rapture date ( we are not supposed to anyway). However, I would like to urge each and everyone to examine their actions carefully and to repent of their sins before it is TOO LATE.

The great sin of Western nations

America used to be a nation of believers who placed their confidence in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Today they are lead by a pro-Muslim president who willingly infiltrates pro-Islamic persons into his government. The same president, Obama, is the one who openly mocked the Bible before being elected, in 2007.
The same president, again, has strong ties with Hamas through his half brother, Malik Obama.
Many Americans are currently abandoning God while Islam is being imposed in some structures. 
Ironically, Obama is also actively supporting gay and lesbian rights, on the account of "tolerance" and "human" right. LGBT rights are now also included in children's education in kindergarten.
Confusion and perversion reign in a society that used to have moral values. People who want to follow what the Word of God says are being stigmatised as " old fashioned" and "intolerant."

The demise of America will induce a domino effect. With the rise of mass emigration from Syria, accomplished with the complicity of Obama and Angela Merkel, the destruction of Europe is planified as well. 
A rise in evil and a great decrease in moral values could be observed in Europe within the last years.

Besides their huge arrogance in misleading people towards a path of death, most Western leaders have leagued themselves against Israel.

All these elements will bring them into judgment. During the last years, our Lord has been sending warnings to the nations, but nobody seems to listen...

Hashem's warnings

"I looked when He broke the 6th seal, and there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth made of hair, and the whole moon turned blood red." 
Revelation 6:12

As a matter of fact, the signs announced in Joel 2:31 have been visible.
Between 2014 and now, earthquakes have hit many parts of the world. Islamic terror has been spreading worldwide. Tsunamis and floods are also taking over.
At the same time, people are being beheaded for their faith in Yeshua.

In my opinion, we should cultivate prudence and wisdom in all our actions, for us not to be surprised when the Day of the Lord will come.
Since the Iran deal has been signed, we should also take all the threats of an upcoming nuclear war very seriously. Some countries have sworn Israel's destruction and it may get ugly very soon in the Middle-East.

And to the Israel haters, who claim to be "Christians', may I remind you all of the verse of Zechariah 2:8?

"For thus said the Lord of the hosts: " after glory He has sent me to the nations who plundered you, for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye."

The judgment of France

France is currently being severely judged. It is no coincidence, believe me.
While France has never really been a country of big faith, the recent actions of its leaders and some of its citizens are angering our Lord greatly.
I am not really surprised if my country is experiencing floods at the moment.

Here are a few insights:

  1. In July 2014, a great majority of people took position for Palestine against Israel.
  2. A great majority of people stepped out publicly defending "Charlie Hebdo", a dirty newspaper that defends the "right to blasphemy."
  3. as a consequence, France has been experiencing Islamic terror and floods are part of a current warning before things will get worse.

A remnant of true followers keeps warning the world. There will be mockers, blasphemers, unbelievers and people who keep denying the truth.
As a matter of fact, our Messiah will return and judge all nations.

Make sure to be justified before Him when He returns. The clock is ticking: make it an emergency to return to Yeshua: He will welcome you in His arms.

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
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