Enhance your Opportunities with ISO Certification

Posted by Emily John
Aug 13, 2022

ISO certification is convenient for companies that, in this way, have the opportunity to take various advantages of various kinds.

ISO certifications with help of iso 14001 consultancies Qatar are suitable for companies. Obtaining them is not just a habit but involves numerous advantages the company can take advantage of immediately. From fostering new business opportunities to real economic convenience, there is no lack of reasons why certification is worthwhile.

The advantages of ISO 14001: 2015 certification

The UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 certification guarantees a correct approach to health and safety in the workplace, therefore compliance with Legislative Decree 81/08. This guarantees some advantages to the company that was in possession of it:

  • Improvement of the corporate image;
  • Greater discounts on insurance packages ;
  • Greater probability of access to public tenders with a further 20% discount on guarantees in addition to the 50% above discount;
  • Decrease in the likelihood of work-related injuries, accidents, and occupational diseases;
  • Greater ease of obtaining INAIL annual premium reduction through the OT23 model ;
  • Possibility of access to the ISI INAIL call. 

iso 14001 consultancy Qatar pays particular attention to the protection of safety in its workplaces which, on the market, guarantees a better image and sense of reliability in view of possible collaboration or supply of different nature.

An ISO-certified company places itself on the market with an important competitive advantage since it will offer potential customers guarantees and greater security. ISO certifications agree primarily on the image, saying a lot about a company right from the first contact. These are tools worth exploiting from an operational point of view since following the ISO standards also translates into reducing waste, accidents, and, consequently, costs.

What is HACCP? 

Implementing a HACCP system by HACCP Consulting Services in Qatar is mandatory both in the production of food and feed; companies operating in different sectors can still use the HACCP methodology and principles to determine the dangers associated with their activity (e.g., companies that produce packaging). Applying HACCP is mandatory in many countries.

HACCP is a protocol to prevent the onset of dangers in the food sector. The joint commission of the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) and the WHO (World Health Organization) has issued the principles on which a HACCP system must be founded.

The activities related to the management of the danger include:

  • Hazards identification.
  • Risk determination.
  • Identification of critical control points or CCPs (essential points of control).

 The advantages of HACCP certification

The HACCP certification issued by an independent third party demonstrates that the company is committed to producing safe products with a management control system approach and in the agri-food sector to comply with the standard's requirements.

HACCP Consulting Services in Qatar offers the company the possibility of:

  • communicate trust to consumers by demonstrating that food is produced through safe processes;
  • demonstrate that all reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure food safety;
  • allow customers to request HACCP certification and supplier evaluation if they operate in a country with strict food safety legislation;
  • reduce the number of checks carried out by customers and, consequently, save costs and management times;
  • reduce waste and product recalls;
  • Increase the efficiency of processes.
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