Easy to Make Gift Baskets for Kids

Posted by nikita khanna
Apr 19, 2016

Kids love to receive gifts and especially when they are beautifully assembled with their favorite items, it makes the gift worthwhile. In fact, sending gifts to kids on their special occasions or just to shower your blessings on their success or achievement is a very loving gesture. Kids love those people who give them gifts and encourage them on their achievements.

There can be several occasions when you can send cheap gifts to Pakistan to your lovely kids like their birthday, their promotion to next class, their sports achievement, any other special skills class that they cleared with distinction and many more. Kids always need motivation and encouragement and what better could do so than sending them a lovely gift basket made by you. So what you need to do to make cheap gift baskets for kids?


Here by theme, I mean what kind of gift you will be making.Choose a theme that the kids would love. Like if it’s a boy choose a sporty theme or any games theme and even their favorite characters if you know any. For girls, go with Disney themes, a doll house theme etc. However, if you have to send a single basket to more than one kid and they are both boys and girls, then best way is to go with food theme.


Choose a basket of some bright and attractive colors. You can take red which can be used for girls and boys, green, yellow or any combination if you can find any. The basket color is important because it will be the most visible thing and would represent the overall gift.

Matching Supplies-

You can also gather supplies that match to your color theme. Like if it is a green basket, you can choose products in green, white, red or any contrasting color that will go with your basket. Otherwise you can also simply put a contrasting sheet like for green basket, put pink sheet inside the basket and then place your products inside. This combination would make the gift look lovely.

Wrapping the Basket-

When buying supplies, make sure you buy those that come in a box or packed so they do not fall or leak during delivery. It is also important to maintain balance of the basket when packing it. The heavy items should be put in corners and light ones in the centre. If there is one heavy item, put it in centre and surround it with other items.

In order to make sure that supplies remain in their place, you can put shredded colored papers in between items to keep them still. You can also make put balls of crumbled paper if you do not have shredded paper.

Now wrap the basket in a cello bag and tie it closed with a matching color ribbon. Also, attach a tag on the ribbon with your personal message. Adding a tag as compared to a greeting card is more convenient, simple and easy to make. Above all it makes the gift look sassy.

Enjoy sending your gift basket to the cute kid on their special occasion.

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