Coworking Space - Working round the clock in comfort

Posted by Nadeem Saifi
Feb 20, 2020

The needs of the service sector and their clients are growing, with a lot of them anxious to be seen as a different yet necessary option for the same type of consumer. For professionals of different backgrounds such as designers, creators, tech facilitators, and other clients, it means taking special pains customizing the products to their clients’ needs. Getting the correct CSS setup for websites, changing logos or app icon that appeals the most, even scrapping things all together to start afresh with only half the time left over. This leads often to the frequently common crunch zones. Product-related mess and new urgent requirements are to be met within unreal deadlines and leading to teams working in shifts round the clock for several days.

This is now a somewhat regular occurrence in the offices, especially in south-east Asian sites of service industries giants.

When work of such nature arrives it can be doable in the beginning but as the days progress the process can take its toll. Just imagine punching into office only to be greeted by a spooky, looming array of cabins in the wee-hours well after everybody else has gone home. Not only does it diminish our zeal for work by quite a few notches, but you are also in relative discomfort as most of the staff is also gone home. This could impact productivity significantly as you have limited support and resources but the work needs to be done and you have to stay in the office for the late hours. So what if there’s no one to help you, review the product changes or provide tech support, also who needs free coffee all day-it was low-grade anyway, not like you’ll miss that taste.

In any of these cases, it is wise to consider an environment with much more comfort instead of toughing it out. Such conditions of furiously fast work can in dim-lit cabins into the mornings take a serious toll on the quality of work and the health of the worker. Needless to say, there isn’t much you can do about the timings, but you can save yourself from agony by choosing to work in a better environment.

Thus enters the idea of using a coworking office with 24-hour access. These coworking environments are actually a reality in many places across the world where a lot of people take intermittent breaks and erstwhile are on their quaint office spaces for the rest of the day and punching out work to meet deadlines. Unlike boxes of cabins though, these coworking spaces have invested heavily in creating meaningful luxuries such as open and shared desks, lounge areas, snack bars, individual work zones, hot desks, and conference rooms, they all are available for 24 hours. Coworking spaces are shared workspaces which are being shared by the different professional backgrounds. These are the managed office spaces which are easily available across the world and in the prime locations at an affordable price.

With such a significant difference in surrounding you are less likely to begrudge your work because of the environment and are in the warm company of much professional staff and other coworkers. Your needs will be provided for with the same efficiency throughout the day, you don’t have to worry about being all by yourself as the cowork areas have footfall throughout the day. This is because people appreciate the boost in late-night productivity these spaces offer-even genuinely comfortable areas for you to take a nap and shower are implemented. 

You will not miss out on any comfort from your home while you grind away at your desk alone or lead your team to the final push for product launch from a hot desk. It is crucial if you are a fresh startup or individual consultant that these tasks be taken care of by some competent hospitality crew. Only then can you (and team) can focus on eminent tasks with any kind of quality, and clarity about the product to be delivered. 

You can even celebrate once you are done without having to go anywhere. Coworking spaces now regularly host Friday happy hours, potluck lunches and high-tea and whatever the crowd and culture demand. You just need to ask the staff to set it up or check notifications from them to see how they can accommodate you. 

This means that while you may have to sacrifice your sleep, you can still deliver your work in a timely fashion without burning out in the heat of the crunch. The vision of empty spooky office cabins is no longer what the crunch means for you. Instead, it starts with a warm and beautifully decorated and well-lit space with a fresh cup of (complimentary) quality coffee. This kind of change in the work environment helps you maintain your work-life balance, keeping you overall a happy busybody-both inside and outside of crunch zone.

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