Concrete5 Vs WordPress: Critical Differences You Should Know
There is a large number of CMSes available letting developers create astonishing websites, Concrete5 and WordPress being two of them. This article tries elaborating the key differences between the two to help business owners decide which one to opt for their web solution.
While there’s still no clear-cut comparison of the two outstanding CMS frameworks at present, WordPress and Concrete5, here is an article post elaborating facts about the two to help you make a choice. Both are pretty straightforward and feature-rich CMS solutions capable of creating websites of large and small-scale. But who is winning the game, when it comes to developing authentic business websites or applications.
Let’s find out below.
About the setup
There’s no as such differences between WordPress and Concrete5 in this aspect. With both having default installations. Anyone with minimum skills of website hosting can set up a website.
While both of the solutions are well-equipped with themes and custom plugins, the limit to which the websites can be customised in both is different. WordPress stands first in this regard because of its unlimited number of themes and loads of plugins. Concrete5, on the other hand, have only a few limited themes and only some add-ons, which make it difficult for the developers to create some out-of-the-box Concrete5 websites.
Content management
In relation to the publishing of content, it is uber easy in WordPress. Anyone without much adeptness in technology can do so. Whereas, Concrete5 documentation being designed in a modular style has certain procedures and steps for publishing content, which is not easily understandable by the ones with technical knowledge.
Concrete5 really gets supremacy over WordPress in terms of security, because of its capacity to manage content workflow flawlessly, and requirement of advanced user authentication or permissions. WordPress on the other hand just support standard compliances and to some extent vulnerable to security threats because the solutions are built with third-party plugins or addons, themes.
SEO aspect
Both are coupled with impressive search engine optimisation features which means websites built with them are likely to gain more visibility and rankings in the Google and other popular search engines when the key strategies of SEO are well applied on.
There’s still hasn’t any affirmation about the development of a strong community or forum for Concrete5 to which web developers can resort to when they are in a fix. It is too difficult for the Concrete5 users hence to find out an effective solution to any of their problems from the community. However, WordPress has a vast developers community, being an age-old platform of CMS, providing ready and useful solutions whenever anyone gets stuck.
So, now when the comprehensive difference of the two trending CMSes are presented to you, which one to choose for your web venture is a really hard nut to crack. However, in most cases now Concrete5 is a fine choice to make because of its top-notch security that’s a key concern for businesses.
PHPProgrammers is one of the Concrete5 developers working at PHPProgrammers, a pioneered full-scale web development company in Australia, who has sound technical expertise in Concrete5 basics and Concrete plugin development. An avid IT expert, skilled developer and passionate writer, he likes making others in the industry aware of his rich insights on Concrete5 and other CMSes.
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