How Window Tint Affects Your Energy Bill

Posted by Tint Fx
Nov 26, 2023

It seems that it’s getting hotter and hotter with each passing month and year. The often discussed climate change has gone from something that might affect us in the distant future to a trend that is all too present in our everyday life now. Summer heat was already uncomfortable at times, but our now higher temperatures are reaching new levels. It’s not only daytime highs that have increased, but we are also finding that it doesn’t cool down as much at night at times.

Higher energy costs are compounding the current problems we are having with increasing temperatures. In the past, we might have responded to rising temperatures by just turning the air con down and running it longer. With global energy costs skyrocketing due to an economic boom and world events, that’s no longer an option. Instead, we need to take a new approach and find creative ways to reduce our energy bill.

How Does Window Tinting Work

When you install window film, you can preserve your beautiful views of the outside while at the same time providing a defence against both UV damage and solar heat. These window treatments can be installed on a variety of existing windows and will result in a reduction of your energy costs.

Basically, these window tinting products are thin sheets with multiple layers. They are sputter coated with exotic metals like bronze, silver and gold.

Reduce Indoor Heat with Window Tinting

Window film can cut up between 5% and 95% of infrared and visible light, which in turn dramatically reduces inside temperatures. It can reduce the solar energy by up to 82%. As a result, you can typically save up to 30% on your monthly energy bills.

In addition to making a positive contribution to the environment, these window treatments also go a long way to helping assuring that people inside the building are comfortable even during hot summer months.

Helping Protect Everyone’s Health

Window tinting can also help protect the health and well-being of those inside the building. UV light can be very harmful, causing serious health issues and even leading to premature aging of the skin. This window treatment cuts over 99% of UV light.

It also dramatically reduces brightness and glare that come in from the windows. Over time, excessive glare can cause health risks including eye strain. Screens will be much easier to view and use when window tinting is employed.

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