Chat rooms and skype, a curse or a blessing?

Posted by Paula van Dun
Mar 30, 2012

Chat rooms and skype, a curse or a blessing?

A bit of both I think. It is only recently that I involve more in chatrooms and in chats on TEs. At first I did not much with it and even kept my skypename a secret. My workload is pretty heavy and I felt chatting was a major distraction especially skype ones.

So I was only in a board room of business partners and I had some contacts with a selected few, some friends and some business partners.

A while back I started surfing more and started chatting a bit while doing that. I like the distraction when surfing. Members seem to like chatting also. It is through chatting while surfing that I came in contact with the owner of a TE Skype room where I was invited to.

These TE rooms are very busy at times. A lot of good mornings and hellos, crazy stuff and jokes. But also a great way to connect with other TE owners. Some of them are very knowledgeable a provided valuable insights which would have taken me longer to gain myself. Though the TE chat I was invited in the mousepoint chat which opened yet another door for me to build my TE. So I loose time on one end but win time and more good contacts on the other end.

They also announce webinars in the chat. Yesterday they announced one with Robert Puddy and I gained a free upgrade.

Skype is also a way for my members to contact me if they need assistance or have a question. I have my own Skype room for Surf-Bar-Traffic, my traffic exchange.

So all in all i see more advantages than disadvantages. However I am selective in what rooms I join and what contacts I add permanently. Lol I can do without the false Romeo's and the ones who only use skype to send affiliate links.

And of course I can go invisable or choose to ignore certain rooms when I am very busy.

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Comments (9)
Aleksandar Angelovik


I do write and post articles on different website's cause that's my job but i never spam people to like them or write comment on them ... i let them go natural .. if someone wanna read it that's ok .. if not ok again ..

Apr 9, 2013 Like it
Paula van Dun


Lol It happens to me daily. Through written messages and the APSense chat. Reason for me to stay invisible most of the time. Sad thing is that most people do ruin their chances for a good connection, sign up, contact or what ever because they make a bad first impression. I realize that many are newbies though and think they are actually performing good marketing. I repost an article on the subject occasionally and hope that there are some that actually READ it and learn something

Apr 9, 2013 Like it
Aleksandar Angelovik


Thats called spam ... you hate people that send you referral link .. i hate people that add me on Apsense and force me to write recommendation about them ... and i don't even know them... hmm sorry for going off topic

Apr 9, 2013 Like it
Paula van Dun


A nice idea however I do not have employees. I do occasionally share a link with people I know well or when somebody asks me to. However there are some people that request to connect and the first thing they do is say 'hi' sometimes not even that, and cop/paste some referral link. I hate that

Apr 9, 2013 Like it
Aleksandar Angelovik


True ... we have 3 skype groups SEO, Design and development and Spam chat... SEO and D & D are for work .. and spam chat is for all of the employee's to have fun and share some funny photos or links

Apr 9, 2013 1 Like Like it
Paula van Dun


I also communicate most through Skype with my business partners. I do not always talk business though. Some of them became close internet friends during the course of time

Apr 9, 2013 Like it
Aleksandar Angelovik


Skype is a blessing ! Our company cant function without it ... we give each other task's in Jira but on skype we communicate about the issues regarding the project we run... so for me live chat is essential

Apr 9, 2013 Like it
Paula van Dun


It will be different for each depending on the situation i think. In my case i am a member of some specific for TE owners. I am not in general chat rooms

Mar 30, 2012 1 Like Like it
Warren Contreras

Old Retired Guy

I use Skype every day, but chat rooms have not been of much use to me. With all the chit chat going on, it's nothing but a distraction in my opinion.

Mar 30, 2012 Like it
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