Brief Guide: 9 SEO Pitfalls To Avoid

Posted by Kristen White
Apr 19, 2019
You could hire a Seattle SEO Company to help you, or you could try it out on your own. It is not a bad idea to fight tooth and nail to see to it that you get to the top of the search result page, but at the same time, you need to avoid certain things that will get you penalized by Google. That would be like taking two steps forward and one step backward.

To ensure all your efforts are moving you forward, here are the pitfalls you need to avoid.

Avoid Keyword Stuffing

There was a time when stuffing keywords would get you a better ranking, but those days are long gone. Google can tell when it is being played and it will penalize you for trying to do so. Use keywords sparingly and systematically so that your content adds value to the audience.

Stay Away From Private Blog Networks

Private blog networks are set up simply to sell backlinks to desperate people trying to improve their SEO ranking. The folks at Google are aware of this and are always hunting for such networks. If you buy links from these PBN traders, you will simply be inviting trouble from Google.

Do Not Resort to Deceptive Mobile Redirects

You might think you can be smart by seeming like you are on the straight and narrow path for desktop visitors who click on a link and are directed to the exact content on the link, meanwhile when people use mobile devices, they are directed to completely different and irrelevant content. If you are found out, you will be penalized.

Do not Trust the Competition

You may think just because you are playing it fair, everyone is in the field. Your competitors may resort to creating bad links directing to your site in an attempt to get Google to penalize you and get you out of the race. Always check for bad links and when they are found, disavow them. Google provides a tool for you to check backlinks.

Never Spin Content

However busy you may be, do not even think of using spinning software to duplicate content articles from other sides. Not only will you be found out by Google and get punished for it, but even the audience will also notice how unpleasant a spun article is to read and they will stop visiting your page.

Do Not Bait and Switch

This is a practice common with car salesmen who advertise one thing but when you show up for it they will offer you something different. Some businesses try to do that with their content. They will present to the search engine particular content so that they will rank well, but when a real person clicks on it, they discover the content is different. This is dishonest and it will not succeed.

Avoid Selling Links

Just as you should not be buying links, do not sell them either. This usually happens when you are receiving a favorable ranking and many other businesses would like a piece of the pie. As enticing as it may seem to profit from your hard work in this way, DON’T. Google will eventually see you as a supermarket for links and you may get shut down before you know it.

Don't Engage in Piracy

This has nothing to do with robbing cargo ships in the open sea. Your site or blog should not be offering any software or product it does not have rights over or that is protected under copyright. Google has strict policies on this and they will not hesitate to crack the whip on you and your site.

Avoid Dillydallying

Technically this would be referred to as top-heavy content. The article does not get to the point in the beginning and the visitor to the site has to scroll down until they get to the information they want. At times this is done to create space for advertising but it is just a waste of time.

Final Thought

Rules were not made to be broken. Play by the rules and watch as your site gradually grows into the dream you crave. If you get stuck, ask Seattle SEO Company for assistance.
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