Braking technique with ABS – Anti lock braking systems

Posted by Ravi Singh Rana
Aug 28, 2021

Braking with ABS, Anti-Lock braking systems on your FZ FI is a safe, satisfying and rewarding feature for every motorcycle rider. Anti-lock brakes do just as they say, prevent the brakes from locking and that means preventing a skid or loss of grip.  In fact, ABS is a must have option (if not standard) to every motorcycle (road).

Motorcycle ABS reduces stopping distance substantially. In fact 26% of all motorcycle accidents with injuries can be prevented with ABS. It was also concluded that 31% of all motorcycle accidents with injuries, collision speed can be reduced with ABS. Positive results for motorcycle riders!

Bear in mind however, that stopping your motorcycle, braking with your ABS system on your motorcycle doesn’t mean that you’ll be a stopping professional. There are still variables. However, once you’ve become accustom to ABS, it is definitely a feature which will provide incredible benefits, and safe results. With this excellent technology you can certainly count on additional security in an emergence or quick stop situation and that’s worth the added confidence you’ll enjoy in your riding.

Anti-Lock Braking Systems (ABS) can vary in certain circumstances depending on the ABS manufacturer and the type of motorcycle.

Tips for motorcycle braking with ABS

Here are some tips for braking with ABS.

The important rule to remember is to always apply proper quick stop braking technique and apply your brakes as if you didn’t have ABS on your motorcycle.

Begin braking by pressing the rear brake lever while simultaneously pulling in on the front brake lever quickly, but not abruptly. Once the brake pads are engaged, increase the braking pressure quickly, and in significant amounts.

When performing a full braking manoeuvre remember to always set the bike up straight to ensure use of the full contact patch of your tire(s); brake on straight course within the ABS control range. Depending on the model, you can tell that the ABS has kicked in through a gentle pulsing on the hand and foot brake levers, as well as a “tacking” sound.

When performing a full braking manoeuvre, always disengage the clutch at the same time.

When braking in bends, increase the braking pressure gently to prevent the front wheel from slipping to the side.

Always pay attention to the rear of the motorcycle when performing a full braking manoeuvre. If you feel the rear wheel lift, you then reduce the braking pressure on the front wheel as quickly but smoothly as possible. This does not mean let go of the lever, simply reduce pressure.

Modern ABS systems in Yamaha FZ FI can support the rider in this regard. The generation nine motorcycle ABS systems from Bosch all feature intelligent rear-wheel lift-up control and have been developed to help braking at full power in all emergency braking situations when traveling in a straight line.

The best preparation for an emergency is quite simply that, preparation. Therefore make it a practice of braking in the ABS control range regularly on your rides. This will allow you to use your anti-lock braking system to its full potential in the event of a serious incident.

But first, practice and explore your own motorcycles ABS under the support and supervision of a qualified instructor.
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