Boca Raton, FL Alcohol Addiction Resource Offers New 2022 Recovery Tips

Posted by PRC Agency
Jan 10, 2022
Boca Raton, FL Alcohol Addiction Resource Offers New 2022 Recovery Tips

Are you or someone you love struggling with alcohol addiction? Find Addiction Rehabs (FAR), an online resource for addiction rehabilitation and treatment based in Boca Raton, FL, has just released new educational resources for those seeking help with alcoholism.

FAR's new resources include educational articles on topics such as how to help fathers suffering from alcoholism, the dangers of alcohol abuse, and an addiction recovery roadmap.

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The site offers you clear, compassionate resources if you or your loved ones are seeking addiction treatment. FAR aims to provide both a directory of treatment centers and a comprehensive source for topics relevant to addictive disorders.

Because we in the West consider drinking alcohol a social ritual, we often don't consider alcohol abuse to be a serious drug addiction. However, alcohol addiction occurs at a rate more than double that of addiction to cocaine, tobacco, and methamphetamine. Although alcohol is a more socially acceptable drug, abuse of it is no more acceptable than any other form of drug abuse and can result in serious side effects no matter the severity of an alcohol use disorder.

FAR recognizes that education is key to removing the veneer of invulnerability surrounding alcohol consumption as a custom. Education is most effective when delivered in an engaging, personalized context. With that in mind, many of their blog articles include authors’ personal stories of addiction or stories of being affected by the addiction of someone close to them.

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The resources also offer you a considerable amount of detail about the signs of alcohol addiction, methods of treatment, the types of alcoholic abusers, and the importance of medical supervision to detoxing. In addition to alcoholism, in the site’s articles, you'll find coverage of many other kinds of addiction and over 25 related topics, with more FAR Guides emerging on a weekly basis.

Find Addiction Rehabs aims to set itself apart from other nationwide addiction resource sites by being a full-service destination for all things addiction-related with thorough articles covering each substance and even each state’s unique concerns and circumstances. Their dedicated team of clinicians, recovering individuals, and support staff can assist you whether you're a professional, a friend or a family member looking for help, or someone currently suffering from addiction.

A spokesperson has said: “No matter your starting place, the staff at FAR would like you to know that we are here for you in conquering issues with alcohol. From help with fathers struggling with alcohol, to the dangers of alcohol abuse, to a roadmap for recovery from drinking, we announce enhanced resource guides for the topics in 2022. And stay tuned for further FAR Guides each and every week.”

Life is too short for you or your loved ones to spend in a Sisyphean struggle with substance addiction. In the past 2 years, we have come to realize just how important it is that we value our time, especially time for self-care and with those we love. Put the pandemic and your drinking both behind this coming year, look to FAR for the best in recovery and sobriety resources for your and your loved ones.

Learn more at so you and the special people in your life can start off 2022 on the road to recovery.

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